Vs. Armada
First match was ROB vs. Shiek, I suicided at the very end when I had a small lead because I thought I had my jump
Second match was MK ditto, I lost
Vs. Candy (RobvSnake every time)
First match, had him at like 210% last stock, couldn't finish it
Second match, was salty and took him back to SV, Won
Third match, he beat me on BF with about 50% left, pretty convincing
thats all thats notable from round 1 pools
Round 2 pools:
Vs. Pride(ROBvYoshi every time)
won the first, lost the 2nd, camped him on fd to win #3...never fought a yoshi before it was kinda hard cuz he had a lot of tricks
Vs. Koolaid(MK vs. Pit every time)
Won the first, lost the 2nd he CPed me to halberd, took him to Brinstar and won the 3rd
Vs. Ling Ling(MK vs. DDD every time)
lost the first on bf (never played a DDD on his level before, so good), won the 2nd on Delfino, 3rd match he took me to PS and we had about 30 seconds left and I had a really small lead so I decided I might as well plank, then he daired through the stage and stage spiked me D: i felt sooooooooo stupid lol.
Vs. God-Is-My-Rock(MK vs. ICs)
won 2-0, he's good but he cant ever finish his grabs
vs. Ninjalink
we double blinded so I picked MK to be safe, he went diddy and 1 stocked me first game
2nd game I went ROB and we were even but then he barrel spiked me after I ****ed up an edgeguard at like 60% and I lost
Made it into brackets after some stupid drama
Vs. Atomsk
MK dittos for both, first one was last hit (its hard to get that last hit in vs. pros man
), second one he jv 2 stocked me
Vs. Candy (again)
He just kinda ***** me both games lol, 1 stock then 2 stock...I'd been playing melee all day besides my match with atomsk lol, I didnt even feel like playing at that point. I was satisfied with making it into brackets, and after getting atomsk my first round I kinda just gave up