I've talked to her about it and everything is fine now. We both aggreed that we went too far that day and both felt bad about it. Dee put it as "we both have that chemistry, that didn't go anywhere." and that's why it happened and we got carried away. You're advice is always welcome as I can't turn to my father as he dislikes Dee because of the similarities she shares with my mother.
I dated a girl tonight. She's not 100 percent perfect, but that's not what I need right now. She's interested in the same kind of music, independent, and intellgent (and black yum <3 ) so she has that for her, but she smokes, is religious (not sure what I think about that, depends on the level) and isn't incredibly energetic, though she was tired. She's moving to my street soon. So hopefully I can get what I need out of it. I can compare it to Dee's relationship with the man she's with, where he's great to her but he is conservative, a navy boy, and drinks. We both have seemed to found someone good for us though not perfect. I like to joke that we are the luckiest people on Earth, her being born on October the 7th, me December the 7th, and hopefully our child on November the 7th just to solidify the jack pot.
On the subject of 'typical male behavior' a fight broke out in the dinner I work today between three men for no apprenant reason. It was stopped before it got started, but even before then (with my step mother in the building) I took off for my own safety hahaha. It was a weird situation. I don't like to compare people to primates, but that's what it really felt like, especially since the guy who was the one challenged by the other sat at the counter for like 3 hours afterwords as if he was the victor taking pride in the land he won. I'll never understand behavior like that.