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  • I was playing Charades at a friends house, and decided to make our own words. I decided to be a jerk and make them as hard as I could, with such gems as "A pirate who just lost everything on the stock market", "a small dog on the Eiffle Tower", and "A velocirator dressed as a businessman".

    That last one in particular was really funny to me, so I decided to try to find a pic similar to it. A few minutes of google image searching later, the classy raptor was born.

    So yeah, that's pretty much it =P
    **** SUNOHARA!

    We got a lot of Kyou in 23th episode.

    And hella funny.
    most of the time, but sometime im in my cpu classes

    (animation III, V.G. Programming)
    I have to rearrange alot of hacks on my sd car because they aren't in the right folders.

    On top of that my brawl is officially fuxed, it just stopped working the other day while me and some friends were playing
    Umm yeah but I don't remember the pass or anything. I also switched ISPs when I was 13 and lost my e-mail.

    Just GO FOR IT.

    And ask him for the Ready...Go! too. I want that code for friendlies.

    Not tourneys though...I'm so ADD during those. <_<
    Go to gscentral.org, register and ask Phantom Wings yourself.

    He is a god. He's basically helped or made everything that is Brawl+/SD textures/the Mac you love.

    So if you want it that badly, ask him yourself. Hell, he made a code to change shield colors LOL.

    B4 you ask me to do it - I don't have an account there. Or maybe I did when I was 11, but I obviously forgot.
    Request over at the Smash Workshop.

    Although I would not be surprised if they just deleted the kata and hiragana off entirely.
    Eclipse torrents are all like...dead.

    PM me a mirror plz.

    Also, too busy sleeping and looking at myself getting *****.

    Half of those things basically went like this -

    Hmm... let me do a cross-over...to the ledge.

    Basically translating to -

    Hey guys I'm sitting here waiting to give you a free stock, plz edgeguard me.

    Should've stayed Toon Link. He can't drive the DumbMobile.

    Also my spacing still sucks. I also play very dumb (let's continue DB even after Lucario rol--wavedashed away and is going to Aura Sphere me). I love how even if I tipped I'm too stupid to DI just slighlty back so I don't get shieldgrabbed, and then my arm gets grabbed.

    But yeah...texture hacks keep the drive for me to continue playing Marth.

    Your God is planning this all too well. <_< I'll never quit him at this rate.

    How could you hate Nagisa :(.

    She isn't the best character but she is so cute.

    No, but I plan to marathon the whole season soon. I have my spring break this whole week, so it could possibly be this week that I watch it. :)

    PS: Who's in your avatar now? Looks familiar, but I can't seem to remember where she's from (is it from Kanon?).


    *remembers pound 3 =D*
    I realized that Kyou and Tomoyo are your favorites just now, when I read the description of your Clannad Back Room social group. :chuckle: Kyou's my favorite, and Tomoyo my second favorite. And I LMAO'ed at "Hating Nagisa is a plus, but not a necessity." I didn't like her at first, since I wanted to see Kyou or Tomoyo with Tomoya, but she grew on me, so she's not too bad anymore. The fact that I got half of my wish granted with season 1's episode 24 OVA helped. That's why I'm really wishing that After Story's episode 24 will be the adaptation of Kyou's arc (and not Tomoyo After), so the other half of that wish will be granted.
    Thanks! :)
    Oh, and Tomoyo rocks, too! (Too bad she doesn't have something interesting about her that you can do with the avatar...at least not something I can think of. :dizzy:) Anyway, you seem like a big Clannad fan (BTW, so am I; it's in my top five), as your avatar and sig are both from it. I'm not sure if you've seen After Story episode 22, yet, so I'm going to try to say this but avoiding spoilers as much as I can: KyoAni did an amazing job keeping it like the visual novel in episode 22 (no surprise, though, since it IS KyoAni), down to the ending theme and everything. And by the end of the episode, I had one of those "ahh, so that's it" moments, when I realized what the beginning of the first season's OP is.

    PS: I'm jealous of your Smash Researcher's cyan-colored name (and everyone else who has it). I sooo want that (as you can tell from the font color that I use in every one of my posts), but I'm not going to qualify for that any time soon... :(
    You can now make Marth look like Roy.


    Here's the thread -


    I can send you the Marth as Roy textures through MSN later.

    Lol @ jealous.

    I got ***** by a player playing as Wario that's at the same skill level due to dumb CPs and...because I was playing Marth.

    I did pretty well w/ TL though. I also unveiled my Wolf.

    I suck at killing ppl w/ Marth...and add my bad spacing and *sucking at getting off the ledge*...

    and I am ****ed. Oh yeah, my stage control needs work.

    I'll upload a few vids, including one where I get 3 stocked by a Lucario to the Bad Marth Archive.

    I think you shouldn't critique since I basically have the same consistent issues.
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