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  • I can be dark and brooding too!
    Well, I mean, it IS a family-friendly game starring the likes of Kirby and Pikachu. Maybe 4 isn't so out of the norm.

    Plus, my parents are dead. Need something to pass the time.
    TBH you didn't respond like I expected and so I was all "wat do" to your dark and brooding logic.

    Hey Spirst, you up for a few matches in a while? : P BTW i can 2 v 2 if you want, since i noticed you had 4 people in your room ATM.
    Honestly, after this, I'm going to do some work then go to sleep. If you'd like, we can play later during Tuesday night.
    Sure thing then. Tuesday night it is. Night.
    sad charmander under a leaf.wmv
    What'd you think of X/Y? Out of all the Pokemon games I'd played (which is probably too many), I found X/Y to be the most...boring. Not sure what it is exactly but I just didn't get much excitement from playing it and took 8 months just to finally clear it.

    Reminds me, I need to get Alpha Sapphire.
    Completely understood. I did more Nuzlockes in Y than any other version, so I knew the game from head to toe.
    I probably spent half the game trying to navigate Lumiose City. I will never for the life of me understand who thought that was a good design.

    Any favorite gen? Probably the nostalgia speaking but mine is Johto. Going between two different regions was really cool and something I wish they'd do more.
    Hey man, want to play some Smash?
    ミスティック Speed
    ミスティック Speed
    Yes, I'm a clone addict. All 3 clones are my main.
    ...makes sense for me to love Mewtwo, eh? lolol
    Alright, I'd love to stay but I really need to start going now. Stayed a little later just for you, bbys. ;)

    Yeah, I could tell you love your clones. It's funny since all of them are competitively inferior to the originals but you make it work well. Good stuff as always, Speed. We play too seldomly.
    ミスティック Speed
    ミスティック Speed
    Yeah, message me when you're back. I love being different and plus, Lucina and Dark Pit are my favorite characters in the games they come from, so it's a huge plus for me. Dr. Mario? Well...he was my main next to Mewtwo in Melee. :3
    If you were a dinosaur, which one would you be and why?
    Presumably, it lived along the shallow waters and used it's long neck as a means to surprise catch fish.
    As for the Quetzalcoatlus, it lived during the Late Cretaceous (very very close to the extinction event) and probably made a living feeding off of small vertebrates. Really though, this thing was like the size of a bus and is the best example of a dragon in geological history. Just look at it

    Sweet, can't go wrong with dragons. I remember when I was around first or second grade when i was debating if to study astronomy or paleontology in university. I miss those days.
    I was going to say there was an alarming lack of messages on your page but this issue seems to have been resolved since the last time I looked at your page
    Thanks for looking out, bro
    Indigo Jeans
    Indigo Jeans
    Man you know we gotta stick together in this place or itll eat us alive man
    Hey man, I was really hoping you could get in on the tournament. There are a lot of inexperienced players, and most of them haven't event given me their info. If you and others from the past tourneys want to join in, I can get a slot open for you.
    $20 eshop card could easily be in your hands.
    Oh, I was busy for almost all of Friday/Saturday so I didn't have a chance to sign up and when I went to do so earlier today, it was all filled. If you're willing to open up a slot, I should be able to play.
    Captain Norris
    Captain Norris
    how about this: you sign up on challonge, and if I do end up deleting some people tomorrow, you will be one of the first to take a slot
    So Spirst, you up for a match? : 3
    Okay, gonna stop it here. Shame the lag only got better near the end. Anyway, good games.
    Well those were fun matches. My improved reflexes and knowledge on how you fight helped me this time. I almost had you a few times, but you punished me hard when i flubbed up, lol. GG.
    Also sorry to hear it lagged on your end. Strange, since it didnt' do that on mine. Hmm.
    Aw! I liked your **** in Boots avi! Also ewwww did you used to use a classic controller??
    I'll go back to **** in Boots soon (lol censor). Still have it saved in my folder. Also, wat?? I use a GCC exclusively and have for most of my smash career.
    So, if you're on, ready for a battle? : 3
    Just let me know when you want to play again. I'm generally free most nights past 10 PM EST.
    Yeah, that's true, although i guess at the time the first match we had wasn't laggy on my end, which is probably why i didn't think if it was the same for you, lol. Definitely going to work on them more, they used to be alot better, but now i seem to be lacking.

    Anyway, got it. 10 PM your time is 7 PM my time, so i'll probably be available most nights. Definitely looking forward to battling you again.
    Said "hand" for some reason. Meant "head" of course. Pretty stupid you can't edit comments on a VM.

    Anyway, yeah, see you around, you crazy arachnid.
    Hey there, i was just curious, you wouldn't happen to be the same Spirst that i friended on NNID earlier, would you? We met once in a room with Locke 06, if you are the same guy. : P
    Ah, yeah, sorry about the prevalent lag, probably was because my dad was on his computer at the same time as we played, lol. And yeah, he could be aloooot better as MM. : 3 Anyway, would love to fight you again sometime. I'd say now, but IDK if it's a good time for you.
    That's quite alright. As for playing, I'm about to head to bed now but I should be free later on tonight (Monday night) if you're available. Anytime after 10 PM is fair game.
    Ah, ok then, i'll look forward to t hat. : ) Although, my timezone might not be the same as yours, i live on the west coast of the U.S.
    Spirst please send cold. PR getting too warm.
    Hey now, can't be all that bad with everything you have to counterbalance it. You get the cool coquis while I have subway rats and pigeons.

    Know something sad? I'm 1/4 Puertorican but have never been to PR. It's definitely on my list of places to visit.
    You definitely should visit. The island has its ups and downs. But nothing is better than going to an unknown beach in the west coast though. NY has its awesome things too. There's always something to do! Not so much the case in PR if you live here for a while.
    Yeah, I'm underselling NYC after having lived here my whole life. Urban life is cool but it's great to retreat to natural environments like a random beach or a forest and that's difficult to find here.

    PR sounds great for a vacation but I can't imagine living there. Maybe it's the fact that being raised in such a big city fosters ADHD/restless tendencies but after some time, I'd start going crazy from boredom.
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