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  • It was a friend outside of SWF, we were talking about your comment (religions are institutions. Spirtuality is not.) and conversation progressed to me showing that image.
    Also, random comment, I just looked at your termina picture, and I had a question about the image itself in comparison to LoZ MM
    I thought I'd let you know that ever since we talked about religion I've constantly been thinking about it; my religion that is.

    Just thinking about the people who enjoy the 'presence' of god however show no emotional attributes of being a good human being, and how by thinking outside the box I've bettered myself in ways I wouldn't have expected.
    I shall hold that +rep with great honor. :088:

    Also, just my opinion but your avatar needs less star and more...

    (Hey man) My schooldays insane
    (Hey man) My work's down the drain
    (Hey man) Well she's a total blam-blam
    She said she had to squeeze it but she...and then she...
    How do I contact him? And I payed through paypall via e-check, so I thought maybe it had to clear?
    You talk like an artist :p

    Just wondering, I ordered 12 months of premium (why, idk), and wondered how long until it took effect. :3
    At least your in school. I'm a year behind because my financial aid messed me over =/. I start in the fall, -sigh- And the first two years are community, which makes them fairly boring. (I guess that's a plus)

    Me and my girlfriend have been saving for Christmas, as we're getting ourselves a ps3 with FFXIII, SSFIV, Infamous, SO4, and Dragon Age.

    I'm hoping to clear Sonic Colors and DCKR before then, which shouldn't be hard as they're adventure games. The real challenge is finishing SS when MH Tri is here. (which is why I'll keep putting Mario off XD)

    About the hype though, Colors is the first Sonic in a decade to interest me, and DCKR is everything I wanted it to be. (Except I -really- want the spider guy in there)
    I'm too hyped too care. Getting Sonic Colors Thursday, and DKCR on Sunday :D

    So excited, also considering playing the Paper Mario series.
    Maybe it's just because I'm older than them, but it's sad how some of them take the name thing so seriously. And when you all were talking about all the good things the Center was getting, I knew what was going to happen.

    You didn't care to tell them not to spam again, it was only your 1000th warning. It was officially hopeless. Ahahaha xD. I look forward to hearing Ulti.
    If you have or can play SSB64 online then I challenge you to a match! If you answer is yes then I would like to arrange a good time in which the online match can take place.
    Man, how many times haven't I heard that intro lmao.

    Funk is the best genre man. Funk, Acid Jazz, Soul and all ;_;.
    Honestly, I don't know.
    I can only theorize you would try to hold your laughing and awkwardly walk past it and then burst out in laughter, well within it's hearing range.
    Dude I actually have friends in houston other than you, too man.

    Like it's going to happen
    Haha, k. Well, if you could send me a lineart version of the map, I would be extremely grateful.

    A psd of the map would be nice too. :p
    Hey, do you want to try doing the HCW Mk II? All of the non-Gerudo teams need some members, and you'll probably be a good player.

    Of course, if you don't have the time, I understand.
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