LOL, good luck! Luckily the boss didn't have a true 1-hit KO move, just a couple of insanely powerful ones. It helped that I had tons of super items I never used in previous battles, including like 15 of one that fully restores the whole party's HP and MP. And thanks, it was a fun game. Though the ending after the boss was beaten left a lot to be desired. I expected some epic story twist and for the mysteries to be explained, but basically you find out that some people that helped you are descendants from a main character, some indirect suggestion that all people were created so this boss could feed off them or something, and some people get married. THAT'S IT! A game with an awesome story that connected and had several twists had such a boring and cliche ending. There are alternate endings, but from what I read they're not all that amazing, though some seem interesting. But there are like 10 different endings, and I don't feel like going through the game that many times (granted I could save before the turning point that unlocks the different ending or just do the one or two that look interesting, but still I don't feel like playing through it again... which I would have to do to get to the point where you get the different ending. Basically, you have to beat the final boss under different circumstances, like in one case before you revive the main character. So, you can't use the main character in the final fight and he is absent from the ending, the other character dreams of him; they get married in the regular ending.). Apparently if you start a new game your levels remain the same, which is cool but seems pretty cheap to me lol. But this makes sense since the only way you can beat the boss at the earlier points in the story is if the levels are that high. JUST SHOW ME ONE AWESOME ENDING INSTEAD OF MULTIPLE BAD OR MEDIOCRE ENDINGS! Oh, and there's also a super-hard trial room that I could do.