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  • Id like to play you on Bligh-Fi/Fail-Fi as well ^__^
    I think it was Scar, i remember him kept telling me to vs you online but you didnt show up so he was raging at you lulz
    I'd like to play you again and get one of those awesome critiques from you one day, my playings been real off lately. I've started to get into the mindset of how Sakurai intended moves to be used and I have alot of questions that I hope you can answer.
    I've actually started playing more WiFi since my internet usage has been improved it's like at 50 gigs now compared to it's 25 gigs which it was earlier, yey!

    Haven't been on MSN that much just because of school work and I haven't felt like talking.
    someone went on my computer at a tourney yesterday at a tourney (that had the bracket and recording stuff on it) and infracted OS and someone else. I must have been in a tourney match or something while it happened. I reversed them when I noticed it this morning :/
    It has a 0 SDI multiplier? I also do not know if SDI multiplier affects ASDI which means it could still be teched from in the air.

    Get on aim so we can talk this through XD. Then again im leaving soon >.<
    lol im sorry i just posted another one and then looked at ur shoutout xD
    ill try avoiding them unless its in the general disc
    I decided to put a marth next to my name, but it looked ugly and strange :/
    my address is 14 tooroonga crescent, jerrabomberra,NSW 2619.
    and just adress it to moi, Nanda Jalil.

    If you could just send the car key (mitsubishi) which should be in the very front pocket of the green bag and the phone charger which should be in the main compartment through express post, that would be fantastic.

    Thanks man, I really need that stuff asap since its the only set of keys I have. Ill pay you back for the postage fee and all that.
    I know about the loop code but I suspected it'd get pages so quickly it'd be pointless. XD
    I thought you might be somone called sylvan who is an insanly good FEDS player (abiet there are only like 5 people at that game that i an really think are good).

    somthing about the name and avi made me think you might be him (and your both from australia)

    he and i are like the only people well known for not abusing the game to get like totaly maxed out stats for our teams and still getting great records.

    He said he used to play Roy in melee a lot too
    I really want to know how you find start up frames on chargeable attacks, because I thought traditionally PSA didn't hold the data for it.
    Hey Shaya,

    I am Driving and at the moment currently by myself, I can bring one or two people but no more as my car is not the biggest and while 4 people is okay around town, 10 hours in the back of my car would not be bearable
    nahh, it's nothing about that, you're all pretty cool =D
    It was really great finally meeting you and the others. If you remember from before, I did mention that my dad doesn't let me go to tournaments because it takes up time that I could be using for other things. Such as studying. Also I would probably get obsessive about it and spend more time playing Brawl when I should be studying and he knows that, so for that reason, it's probably better if I don't go to tournaments. Who knows, maybe in the summer holidays I'll be allowed, but in the meantime, during semester, then no tournaments for me. Especially not whole day ones. I might be able to make it to animeUNSW gaming sessions or whatnot and maybe I'll cya then? But apart from that, no tournaments. Thanks for asking though!
    Thanks for defending our dear Marth FSmash to the people in the tier list thread.

    Gotta love that there Dark.Pch

    I learned to steer clear of that guy real fast, gave numbers and everything, didn't work :(
    It's 5:30AM over here, I probably don't know what I'm talking about.

    I'll probably look at it tomorrow, and then head desk. Cheerio
    Hmm can't seem to see it :urg:, I can only find the matches where I played Earl.
    Hey Shaya, when you find some time can you upload the set of me playing Silfa at This Is It? It would be very much appreciated. :)
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