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  • Hmm?
    We pretty much can't 'Make up powers on the fly'.

    We have this thing where we tell another person what our abilities are, so that if new ones randomly pop up, that person can be like "NO".

    Also... Xiroey's abilities didn't make sense before.

    At all.

    I'm revamping them.

    With stuff that makes sense.
    No. A bunch of buddies who like to kiss each others butts and help other buddies become part of the butt buddies clan.
    Marry me. Now.

    *comment removed*


    I was the only villain *hmph*

    *sees that Xiroey predicted I was going to rage*

    You can feel free to bash Muhti on the back in time thing btw.

    Everyone else already did. :p

    -- Waits for Muhti to read my posts, then get mad when he sees this --
    Not terribly.

    There are times when posts conflict and we have to Retcon stuff together.

    But... trying to read it, it should all be easy to follow :p

    Frostwraith and Luco are Mages

    Richard has powers from Resident Evil

    Muhti is a God-Mode Sue

    Smashfan holds the power of Memes

    I'm a Latios

    Go nuts :p

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Btw, yes, you can be a bad guy <3
    ... It's not exactly the best storyline in the world.

    But gather together a group of people who know nothing about writing storys and stick them under one thread. . .

    Somehow things have managed not to fall apart. :p
    [COLLAPSE="2/2 - The rest of it"]

    The two eventaully meet up with Mari and Muhti.

    Muhti, and his buddy Dementio betray us SEVERAL TIMES, but join up with us again in the end to fight the main bad guys.

    Mari almost dies when Muhti steals the necklace that contains her life, but Gliscor (A member of Impact) saves her life, and eventually makes her an improved necklace that won't do that. Mari and Xiroey end up bonding because of this (He helped in the making of the necklace)

    Eventually, the group comes to fight the MAIN bad guys. A group called the plague. It consists of Vexus, Mechanicat (He turned Xiroey into a shadow pokemon. He still is for that fact), The Gourd, and Dr. Calamatus.

    The four main protagonists take them on 4 v 4 and lose. But, when all hope seems lost, a big *** group of reinforcements (All the firends we made in the story before that point) come in and we basically wipe the floor with them.

    Then The Plague calls Zalgo to their aid and even that isn't enough.
    In the end, Smashfan sacrifices himself to defeat Zalgo. He calls upon his epic meme abilities to their fullest, and it overwhelms Zalgo. At the cost of his life.

    - - - - - - Skip a bit further into the future - - - - - - - - -

    After Smashfan's funeral (Everyone contributed to it in their own way) Our group seperates. As a reward for saving everyone's butt, The whole of Smashboards (The WHOLE of the world where FF takes place) decides to reward Xiroey, Mari, and Muhti with their own territory.

    ...Big mistake.

    Mari goes a bit... insane-ish, tries to invade the battle fronteir because she says it isn't safe. After that, she keeps expanding, taking in territories because she doesn't like how people werecklessly endanger themselves. Muhti goes like... WTF, and starts expanding also. If only so he can slap Mari upside the head.

    Xiroey didn't accept the offer for land. But he hears about it and tries to stop both Mari and Muhti.

    But fails.

    Lots of Bloodshed, Xiroey killing many members of their group. Muhti killing. Mari tries to make peace.

    A giant plot twist happens where an Alternate World Xiroey and Muhti come in and start attacking people. Adversely, this causes the conflict to stop temporarily. (They vanish just as soon as they appear. But not forever)

    The story ends with tense conflicts between the three remaining 'heroes'.

    - - - - - - Start of our current story - - - -

    Muhti went back in time to back when he was still part of Smashfan's group. Everyone was a lot weaker then, so it takes him no effort to... baically **** them up. This changes the future greatly, Impact seems to dissapear (They didn't, we just never met them), and and the Alternate Future the Random Alternate World Xiroey and Muhti came from becomes the actual future.)

    This part is kinda confusing to explain.

    So I will use a post I sent to Frostwraith to do so.

    Oh btw, if you see a guy names "Spirit" in this story... That's Xiroey's brother.

    The last bit about the current story in my final post.

    You can learn about the bad guys we're facing from Frostwraith.

    Cuz like.... he made them...

    K One last minute plz

    [COLLAPSE="1/2 - Too many characters to fit the limit "]

    It was a dark and story night. Dark, metaphorically speaking, and stormy because I was being attacked. Yup, trainers are jerks.

    My story started out in a far off town. It's location is unknown, except that it is locates somewhere in the Sinnoh reigon. I had an... unfortunate encounter... with one of Smashfan's characters (three guesses who). So, in short, my character was half human-half pokemon. Enter Latios, my very first character!

    Of course, this is a summary, so I won't go into too many details. I was chased to an abandoned werehouse, there I took refugue until the trainers who were trying to capture me lost interest and went away. There, I met up with an old friend, Gengar. He instantly noticed I was holding something, and when I showed him the object, it was a Soul Dew that contained my sister's soul (in short, she was dead).

    Blah Blah, lots of mourning.

    Gengar decided to accompany me, and the two of us left our hide out. Believing the coast was clear, we were surprised when we were ambushed by a lone scizor. Things happened, Xiroey got ticked off, and somehow he managed to defeat Scizor. Afterward, it was revealed that Scizor's trainer was a total butt-face, and our group decided to launch an attack on his mansion to help Scizor get his payback.

    ...There was some rescuing of oppressed pokemon as well.

    --At this point in the story... Things start to get wierd.--

    We never got payback on the trainer. Turns out everything that happened in there happened in virtual reality! Xiroey wakes up and is rescued from a pod by None other than, you didn't guess it, Discord!

    Xiroey is now entirely human (Or at least he appears that way), and is led away in a mad escape from the institute. I do not remember exactly what happened this early in the story to be honest. Thankfully, it's not too important. The virtual reality story was long and confusing, a lot of things happened that made people scratch their heads and punch their computer screens.

    Instead, I'll jump ahead. Here, things start to get relevant.

    The story starts in a Dojo, Xiroey and Gengar are sparring against each other. Gengar defeated Xiroey, and was about to land the finishing blow against him, when, out of the blue Muhti's Post A giant meteor strikes the Entire pokemon reigon, almost entirely wiping it out!

    This has all kinds of adverse effects on the story line.

    Xiroey is seperated from Gengar, Lucario (The dojo master), and Cid (Final Fantasy airship Pilot)

    Muhti's aquaintance, Gary dies. His Torchic survives, and becomes his first pokemon.

    Mari hears of the destruction, gets worried about her friends, and rushes over.

    Smashfan hears of this too, and starts plotting.

    The heroes are set in motion.

    ...Fast Forward 3 months into the future.

    Xiroey is rescued from the ruble of the old Dojo Site by a group named Impact - Named after the Meteor Impact. Impact is a group of Protatonists and reformed antagonists who banned together to take on a new threat. In fact, a member of this threat happened to be the sole one responsible for the Meteor attack. Enter the antagonist army. The one responsible for the meteor was Kefka. At this point in the story, Xiroey has lost his memory. He still looks like a human (He isn't), and also thinks he is because he can't remember anything. He is paired off with two other pokemon in Impact. Buizel and Typhlosion. The three eventually get sent on a mission to disrupt the legion of antagonists... and things go horribly wrong.

    Xiroey rushes in.

    Buizel gets ticked off, but rushes in along side him.

    Typhlosion gets worried and keeps watch from the bushes.

    Before Xiroey, a.k.a. the idiot in this scenario, gets himself and buizel killed, Smashfan and Discord come to his rescue. The antagonists do what antagonists do best. They see that the odds have gone from vastly in their favor to slightly less vastly in their favor. So they turn tail and run.

    - - - - - - SKIP IRRELEANT DETAILS - - - - - - - - -

    K, I'll head downstairs then <3

    Heads up if you plan to read my posts.
    I suck x3

    K ONWARD TO TE COMPUTR! *_____________*
    ...I think you forgot "butt" xP

    Yes, you are certainly allowed to join <3
    Would you like a brief-ish summary of all that's happened?
    Buddies who kick butt? :3

    Uuhhh Luco actually made a guide about it.
    Ya just RP stuffz... I guess...
    I will go test my findings on Xiivi.
    Thank you, you will be compensated! <3


    (That doesn't count)
    Yeah, it's fairly slow, but it can get really technical at times (but really untechnical at others).

    Wait, then what...? :ohwell:

    Because an excellent way to learn is to take on those who are better. <3

    Also you cannot hide from me...i smell your fear :glare:
    ...Wow, you saw through that so easily ;~;
    Well... Kinda your reaction confused me :/

    K, I'm done with mindgames for a while (I want to learn this art one day)
    My actual favorites are bears, huskies, sharks (they're cute), and :006:

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    You should totally consider joining us in FF btw.
    It might be awkward in this story (It's almost over) but the next story will be based off of SAO, kingdom hearts, and hungar games.

    All kinda mixed into one, except the storyline is totally original.
    I'm excited about revealing if :)
    Lol i was going to switch my wesker avi soon, but you've convinced me to keep it so i'll stick with it for a while then.
    The game is called Lost Saga. It's an online 3d pvp fighting game with a concept similar to smash brothers, except with fairly original characters based off different times in history. My favorite character was the Lightning Mage and I've played him since his release(The character in my avatar is my Lightning mage with his skins). Not many people main him because he's kind of boring but I really liked him. It's shutting down because of a contract issue. If your curious I have some footage of the game on my channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/Jasou2?feature=watch I hope it goes well with your math books.

    Thanks so much cc *hugs*, I really appreciate it.
    Ooh! The masked kitsune or the unmasked kind?


    Definately Sharks, Wolves, and Bats.

    Also squirrels
    The squirrels here on campus seem to like me...
    LOL, I was on SF, so I couldn't scroll over to see the other part where the guy died xD

    Dude That'd totally be the best intro ever xD
    That depends, which one :p

    Your running gag with the "Wi-Fi" thing pretty much kills me every time.
    So do the messages in transparent text.
    And the random imgs.

    ...Lota funny stuff here man, you're gonna have to be more specific <3
    Nah, I'm not out to get ya~

    I figured it would be fun to continue our discussions about the "horrors of Wi-Fi." After my first decent sleep in over a week (sick sleep totally doesn't count), I realized I actually had a good counter argument that I coulda used before.

    Off Topic:

    ...I research a lot of random stuff when I'm bored.

    Did you know the human eye isn't capable of perceiving every possible color combination? For example, We humans cannot see Blueish-Yellow or Greenish-Red.

    Lol, random facts.


    Oh, btw, what's your favorite animal.
    Just outa curiosity :p

    (Don't worry there's no argument behind my motives this time <3)
    No I have not.

    and if you want the honest answer, I'm really unhappy today. Thursdays have a ton of hw, I spent an hour trying to find my physics text book, I upset a friend with something I said, and I figured out that i'm losing my account(the game is shutting down and there's no compensation) on an mmo that I've played for 3 years and worked so hard on and paid money for.

    but at least I don't have cancer or some horrible illness. Today sucks, but at least it won't effect me forever.

    Sorry for that, I kind of needed to vent.
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