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  • Lol go for :p
    Yea things are alright revision is very stressful...but in other news I can now legally drive lol :D
    I can't have any games right now but if you're free tomorrow then I should hopefully be free then :)
    Ack I'm really sorry but I've just started up another game with someone else :S

    If we finish soon we can have some games >< sorry about the confusion
    Hey hey :) I have some spare time now if you're up for any games

    And yea, I get bored of listening to the same songs over and over again on the stages we use on Brawl, its such a shame you can't put your own on or swap songs around without hacking :( Some variety would have been nice :p
    I go on study leave very soon but I'm going to be revising for all of it :p Its absolutely critical I do well in these exams so I probably won't have much time for games :( Sorry
    Btw I thought it was hilarious how we played today, whenever one of us got the lead we immediatly ran away and started camping (I threw a load of Turnips and Baired everything I could:p) and as soon as the other person got the lead, even if they only had 1% over us, we'd suddenly rush in and go in for the damage :p

    ...there's a word limit on these visitor messages now D;

    Oh and I fail as MK xD
    Buwahaha I love how we manage to run so much time in our matches xD And omg I couldn't believe I got killed twice by a Gordo T_T

    I was trying to play really, really, really campy in those matches...sorry about that :x I've been really trying to improve my spacing and playing more defensivly than normal and I felt my spacing was a heck of a lot better than it has been in the past, I didn't get grabbed as much. I tried throwing a few new things out as well, such as Bairing and then landing behind you when you were shielding. Its a nice mix up but you got with me an OoS Nair quite a few times :x
    I have to concentrate really hard in those Wario matches, everything has to be so precise and the matches tend fluctuate so much in who has the lead and even the smallest of leads is absolutely crucial in the matches
    Yea it would be nice to get some matches in again someday :) Been very busy with revision as of late - haven't been going on the Wii at all, just popping onto SWF every now and then
    Don't worry about it, I'm pretty awful with Wario, he's nothing like Peach :p Me winning that Castle Siege game was a complete fluke, I'm sure you've beaten me in a Peach ditto once there iirc :p Losing one ditto match doesn't mean so much anyway, you proceeded to destroy my Wario in the next game xD The grab release into Waft that you did that missed wasn't a bug - I was mashing buttons to try and get out of the grab and I must have hit R so I ended up airdodging it and got away with it because of the lag

    Thats definitly the campiest you've ever played with Wario, which is a good thing btw :p I threw myself off edge in the first match because it was clear I wasn't going to catch up with you with the time remaining, sorry about that xD But I agree, the match up is extremely frustrating and requires so much precision from both characters (darn you Wi Fi). Both of us have to get our moves just right or the other person will get the hit in/get the advantage. I certainly have to put a lot of effort in to make sure I go even with you/win the matches. Don't get me wrong, its a real challenge when I play you and I love a challenge but the match up is incredibly tedious...

    ...still, I'd rather it be tedious than get wrecked :( My poor Sonic gets destroyed by your Wario :/ The only move that seems to work against Wario is Bair and thats not a great move anyway. Everything else gets grabbed/stopped by Bite...I hate Bite so much, it stops EVERYTHING Sonic has :(

    But yea, GG's and please keep up the campiness/air camping/running down the timer - I seriously do not expect you to not do those things with Wario because its just asking to get wrecked by Peach and you do much much better with Wario when you play more campy. There's no reason for either of us to hold back/not play in the best possible way to win against each other. Looking back on things, I'm seriously impressed at how far we've both come on in Brawl ^^
    Ah great :) I'll be online in about 10 or 15 minutes, just finishing off an essay I need to do

    Lol that G&W match was really bad on my half xD I really need to find less predictable ways to get back onstage instead of constantly jumping back on with a Fair
    Sorry I had to leave so quickly :( Had a dentist appointment. If you're free tomorrow, please let me know, I don't think I'm doing anything so I can hopefully get some decent games in :)

    P.S Hope you don't mind it if I go Random sometimes, I want to play about with some more characters rather than constantly use Peach all the time
    Well it would have been nice to get some games with you if this silly site had been up and running :/ Bad Gateway 502's all over the place...everytime I've tried to get on here its not let me :(

    I will hopefully be much more free this next week so please give me a shout if you're online :D
    Yea I was a bit careless with my air game vs Ike :x Peach can Float out of the way and punish the lag on his aerials but they've got such massive range its difficult to. Turnip spamming/ground game would have been a wiser idea. I was trying to be a bit more wary and use my Float to stop myself from crashing into Marth's aerials this time, it seemed to work ok

    I don't think I'm going to use Pikachu, that match vs DeDeDe was a joke, its so easy to get hit by Thunder Jolts/F Smash/Thunder and not be able to do anything about it because of lag :/ its just not fun

    Don't worry my profile isn't polluted :p I've now polluted your profile ;D Muwahah
    Well if you fancy a couple of games now I'm not doing anything atm but I might not be able to stay long :p And yea, next week I'll hopefully have some free time :)

    Eww not MK :p I might look into Falco or Pikachu, I never really use either of them, especially Pikachu. Although knowing me, I'll just play Peach and forget a secondary xD
    Yea its annoying really, I feel like I'm just repeatedly throwing Turnips and Fairs out and hoping they hit...I mean, sometimes its like I put hardly any thought into it and half of the time it works cause you can't punish it properly because of the lag :/ I don't like risking anything else cause it might not work incase I get the inputs wrong. It sucks :( I hate that I can't Bonewalk either, it makes fighting characters like MK and Marth much easier

    I've told my friend not to use Counter so much, he loves that move xD I'll try and convince him to use more Fair and Jab too, all he ever really does is Smashes and and Counter...he's gradually using more Jabs and aerials but not enough imo :p
    Urgh yea the lag was pretty horrible in that :( Sorry, I'm trying to find out why I have such bad lag but the only thing I can think of is that where I live has generally bad internet :(

    Peach's Dash Attack is amazing, its something I really really need to use against characters like Kirby and Marth. I was doing some really silly stuff vs Marth again, kept crashing into F Smash and F Tilt >< My spacing was a bit iffy in some those matches, I kept getting grabbed out stuff thats normally safe >< I'll hopefully learn for next time. The Peach Bomber thing is something I only spam when there's more than one of us or when I think I can get away with it, I try to avoid using it so much in 1 vs 1's, it hits a lot more when there's 3+ people :p

    Lol yea he loves using Ike in FFAs xD I think I tried to grab release to Up Smash your Wario and got F Smashed by Ike xD That'll teach :p

    Did you notice anything about my friend btw? I'm trying to help him get better and was just wondering if you picked up on anything. Its difficult online cause I tend to play differently to how I do offline so he keeps getting mixed ideas of what to do and what not to do :dizzy:
    Hey there :D Me and a friend will be having some Wi FI Brawls in around 10-15 minutes, please feel free to join :p He's still learning the ropes of Brawl but he's getting slowly better and it'd be nice for us to have another person in plus I can show him who I normally Brawl online as well xD
    Lol slowpoke punch xD That's a great name :p Sorry for such short matches, next week I have 2 weeks off school so hopefully we can get some more games in :) I must say, I was a bit slack against you in some matches :p Most of my Brawling is with some friends offline. They're getting slowly better but...well, they're not a patch on you xD I still 3 stock them with ease, sometimes 2 stock if they play well, something I definitly can't say when I'm fighting you :p

    Mmm I let your Marth get all over me in that match :( I got comboed and predicted to death, you had a clear upper hand throughout the whole match. I thought I might have manged to make a comeback but suddenly the stage changed and my Fair missed xD I'll hopefully do bette next time, I think my problem was that I tried to tackle you in the air too much and neglected my Turnips

    I don't really blame you for not enjoying Peach vs Wario matches. Don't get me wrong, I love playing you :p but it is a massive camp fest with Peach and Wario so I do understand why you don't like it

    I've been trying to think of another character I could pick up, I'm always envious of other peoples diversity in characters...plus it'd give you more character experience than Peach Peach Peach :p Next time I might experiment with some more characters
    Hey there :D Yea they're gone now, I just haven't been online due to school work...again. Everytime I manage to finish off a load of work, I get given more because we're getting close to exams now :/
    If you're online today though I should be able to have some games :D Give me a shout if you want some :)
    Hey there, sorry I haven't replied ina while, I'm afraid I can't play Wi Fi for a while :( I've got a bunch of tests this week and I have lot of IRL stuff going this week as well :( I'll be sure to let you know when I have some free time for Wi Fi :)
    Will do, my cousins are down and I'm not sure for how long, so they're mainly using the Wii whilst they're up lol. I'll let you know when I get it back xD
    Nice to have some games with you again at long last :) GG's, I can't believe I Up + B'ed the wrong on Lylat xD

    Snakes tilts are soo broken I was sure your Falcon was going to sweetspot the ledge and then BAM Snake's Up Tilt hit you :(
    Hey hey, sorry I haven't replied in such a long time, been very busy indeed

    I think I might be able to have some games soon :D I might be online tomorrow so I'll let youknow or visa versa :) I haven't played Brawl in a while either. I am lucky these days in that I have some friends I can play offline but...well, I 3 stock them with ease :p Nowhere near your skill for example

    Yea I saw the tier list, I'm disapointed Peach hasn't moved up but I'm just thankful she hasn't moved down. Pit's movement is interesting I guess but massive LOL's at Zelda moving down by 9 places. Triforce tier ftw
    Hey, sorry but I'm going to be offline again for quite a long time :( I really wish I could slot some games in but I have been literally working non stop recently. I'll let you know when I have free time so we can get some Brawls in :)
    Don't worry about it :p I have plenty of work to be getting on with so if you're not up for some Brawls anytime thats fine :p

    Whats l4d2 btw?
    Hey sorry I haven't replied, I've just been so busy with work recently. A quick glance at SWF is pretty much all I've done, I've been working non stop this week

    I'd be definitly up for some more games maybe today if you've got time :)
    Yea I'm really sorry about the lag, it was dreadful :x Nice to have games with you again, some of the stuff was funny that happened. Hopefully we can have some more games without that much lag next time :)
    Hey hey hey, I was wondering if you fancied some games today :) I imagine we'll both be very rusty, I haven't played on Wi Fi or Brawl for that matter for ages :p
    I'm good thanks how are you? Yea I've been pretty busy with exams and coursework as of late...haven't been on Wi Fi in days

    We definitly need some more matches sometime, hopefully when I have more free time we can have some :) I miss playing your wide variety of chars xD
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