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  • Ramen should be in all housholds 24/7 though. =o. Just in case there isn;t anything else to eat.

    Are you better now? How come you didn't come talk with me.
    You need more F tilt too. xD
    You were a d tilt ***** for a really long time. <__<
    You should at least attempt landing some N airs, U airs, D smashes once in a while. D: Its all smash with you. lol.
    From the first look I got, Zelda+Smash. Then spam. Jeezus, typical Zelda spamming those smashes. :mad: :007: <- Suxors
    :mad: Your little quick people didn't give me enough time/space to do anything else. D:<

    So yeah. Rock Smash all night. xD
    Lol. Its what you get for picking that stage. PS1 is ewww. I tend to keep on switching with PT after a throw no matter if it does kill. xD Except I couldn't get a hold of you a lot.
    For the U smash one, all you have to do turn once and during the time in he is the shell and almost coming out you U smash (Z up, works best to charge, C stick to do a mini slide). Its causes the slide. There isn't much to it.
    You can do it with all three smashes. The other two are tricky if you want it to Charge in the slide. If you screw up the forward one you fail grab instead. xD
    Although its like a leap to grab. Makes you fly a little.
    Lol, I'm not blind, nor ********.
    Still, I'm not talking about it here.
    In fact, I'm not talking about it at all.
    Just realized that all of my messages on your wall are big =/
    I typed a lot today xD

    Anyways, I'm off to bed (Finally)
    Talk to you later Ben :)
    It wasn't that long, it's hard to tell because we free fell for maybe 15-20 seconds, and then floated around for a bit once we opened the chute
    Just a guess though lol

    And I LOVE beagles haha
    I used to have Basset hounds, which are related, I think. But beagles are so cute. So yeah, get a beagle lol

    But small dogs aren't for me, they can be sooo annoying and loud, sometimes they don't shut up and it pisses me off. So make sure to train your dog and teach it not to bark once you get one xD
    Yeah I love that feeling lol
    That's why I was disappointed when it was all over :(
    Still an awesome experience though

    And me too!!
    I want to find the right dog that will not get ugly as it gets older, and of course I'd take amazing care of it, better than my mom did for my old dogs anyways xD
    You don't even want to know haha

    Oh and the breed I want is a labrador Retriever =D
    So cute! and awesome xD

    And yeah, it is awhile....
    But I'm sure I'll have the time of my life =D
    Skydiving was pretty sweet. But the weird thing is that you don't get the feeling in your stomach that you get when you go on rollercoasters (I'm assuming you've been on one xD)

    You just feel the air rushing past you, and it can be loud, but they give you ear muff thingys lol

    But yeah, go skydiving if you get the chance. It's totally worth it

    And LOL hahaha
    That dream is awesome, I want a puppy sooooo bad, but my mom wouldn't let me ]:<
    I love dogs

    Oh and I'm leaving May 1st 2010 :)
    haha I love planes xD
    and heights :p
    Hence why I went skydiving lol

    And I'll take tons of pics lol
    And videos if I can. The trip lasts for 40 days btw. I can't wait!!!!! =^__^=

    And lmao
    Usually I read through the social thred pages, but some times I just give up haha
    But I hate the fact that I might've missed something good :(
    That's the place that my friend invited me to go to xD
    So I said Hell yeah I'll go

    Simply because I love to travel. I want to see the world and everything that it has
    Thailand will be sexy

    It has so much to offer there, plus things are cheap :p
    Pristine beaches, buddist temples, awesome jungle terrain, Tiger petting!!
    And tons more

    *Gives Ben money*
    haha yeah I kinda want to move out, but it's best that I stay for a bit and help my mom out =/

    Plus I want to save up for a vacation =D

    I already have like $3000 going towards my trip to Thailand next year =D

    and lol ^__^

    I can't even imagine being scared of someone hitting the ball xD
    I'm just so used to it that I would always try to go after the ball haha

    Unless it's some beast that can just like 10 feet in the air lmao

    Plus I've been hit in the face bunches of times xD
    It doesn't hurt me anymore hahaha
    lol Yeah I could see San Diego being a bit more fun xD

    Still, next summer is too long of a wait D:<
    Winter break would work though. I mentioned that idea to Kade awhile ago :p

    And really lol
    I played volleyball for 5 years xD
    I got really good too. It's an awesome sport too

    But Beach Volleyball is far sexier. I wish I could find an opportunity to play it still :(

    Beach Volleyball is by far my favorite sport, and yes, it's hell of a lot different from Regular Volleyball :p
    Ah so she's stubborn. That's really unfortunate.....
    But it's natural for her to worry. You are her child after all, and preventing you from going is her way of protecting you. Can kade come down to your place to see you instead?

    And lol, grade 10 should be fine for you. I just had so much work at the time, and it overwhelmed me and I got super stressed.

    I could handle the extra work that came with high school, but I played school volleyball on top of that. I had practice 3-4 times a week, and I tournament every 2nd weekend. Then once school volleyball was over I went and played for my city on the junior team, because I'm stipid xD
    I just got so worn out, because I never had time to relax, and it was hard to find time to do all the homework and essays that I got.....

    So in grade 11 I quit volleyball

    It worked xD
    I guess those yummy pills I had to take helped too, but I hate drugs D:<

    I don't understand, I thought you got through to her :(
    That really sucks. But get a job anyways. Maybe if you prove to her that you're responsible then she'll let you go see him. Summer is 2 months after all. I don't know you're mother, but I like to think that's there's always a chance that someone will change their mind :)

    And thanks =D
    Things got better for me in grade 11 :p
    Just stuff in life?

    I kinda know how it feels. In grade 10 I got super depressed for awhile and I just didn't want anything to do with anyone.

    It was pretty bad =/
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