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  • My Sega Mega Drive is still living in my friend's house after like... Over 3+ years now. >_<

    My Wii is downstairs... Urgh lol.

    1. You said "You still have to do that if it's on stand by, it fact it wont even be on stand by if the plug is out." I replied. "How can my Wii be on standby if the main socket isn't even plugged in?"

    2. Dictionary.com! :054:

    3. My Wii is partially hidden in the corner with the DVD player, PS2 and my non-existant Sega Mega Drive. :urg:

    My Wiimote however, is on the living room table. It's closer.
    Wait, what. I think we're mindgaming each other here lol. How can my Wii be on standby if the main socket isn't even plugged in?

    2. Exaggeration lol.

    3. Umm no. >.> (I realised I've worded this badly wrong >_<) Main Switch = The on/off switch on the socket where the plug goes into. Not the Wii power switch.
    Well technically the Wii will be warm/hot since it is still "on" but your just running it on low power. (In which we call standby!)

    What I meant was,
    1. Plugging back the socket.
    2. Turning on the main switch.
    3. Turn on Wii with wiimote.

    With standby just move on to step 3. (That was a bad example) Yeah I'm lazy.

    (I turn the TV and all other sheenanigans off though!) :p

    Standby mode is like a "sleep" mode. It just reduces energy usage from anything, (in this case; my Wii) although turning it off completely can save more energy. >_>

    The only advantage of standby I can think of is that you can turn things back on quicker.
    No worries.

    No, I can't recieve replays with it off. (I think) So I turned it back on just in case it's true.

    Yeah my bad, the power light. I usually leave my Wii on standby mode.
    You got my hopes up there. :088:

    I turned it back on just in case it's blocking people from sending me replays.

    Also, whenever I turn it off I get the "red" light instead of the usual "yellow" one which looks wierd. (lol)
    Urm.. Not sure right now. I just turned "WiiConnect24" back on this morning. I'll need someone to tell me they've sent me something so I can make sure.

    Why? Are you able to send replays now?

    haha yeah, I used to main them both a one point.
    They're my best low tiers :D

    I'll lose though. I limited myself by picking Samus and Zelda :p
    I had to though since I'm only the third gym O__o

    If I chose my better characters then the 3rd gym would be too good xD
    That two hours of sleep was from me passing out already. That was at like 3 pm rofl
    I literally stayed up all night working on it and some other threads that I needed to update lawl
    So people better like it D:<

    I got less than 2 hours of sleep today .__.

    And I'm not that tired O__o
    haha yeah this filled up fast O__o
    It's cool that people like my tourney idea though :3

    I bet it was either the prize or the fact that I made the OP and stuff look awesome that attracted people haha
    Nope, no deadline as of yet. I'll be making a deadline once the activity dies down a bit. So basically, this tourney might go on for awhile @__@
    Yeah there a few that can beat all of us, though it'll take a few tries for some of the gyms lol

    And I'm not sure lol
    I bet she just wants her gym to be really hard and her characters typically do better on neutrals haha
    I'll be impressed at whoever actually manages to beat us.

    And lol, maybe I'll just force her to go to some cp stages. All of her stages are neutrals @__@
    Nah I switched it :3

    And if people end up having to much trouble beating Karina then I might have to make her gym easier somehow lmao
    We'll see how it goes though :D

    And yeah, Penta is beast. The 3 of you are, which is why our gym leaders are so good haha
    But it'll be a good challenge for people
    :mad: is too good! :mad:

    But I like this better

    And the only reason I made it so people can fight you and Penta at the same time is because I figured you'd never get many matches :laugh:
    You still might not for all we know O__o
    Karina will wreck lives
    haha Should I do that? I can if you want :3

    And lol, I know how to do it :mad:

    hahaha sure :p
    I was actually thinking about making it so that everyone DOES have to fight you last. Just to add to the epicness lol

    And I guess I'll throw my tourney in the archive lol
    Might as well :D
    That archive is still alive? lol
    And both you and Penta never gave me a quote to use :p
    Everyone made their own quote just to add to the theme and personalize the gyms a bit more :D
    I doubt replays erase themselves. Your bro must have done something but with the amount of hacks you got, it'll be hard to find what the problem is. =/ (I think)

    Guess it's back to Plan A. Brawl people and hope they save replays of you combo'ing their asses lol.
    Awesome Roxas has an Awesome plan!

    Since you can't send me replays 'cause of that Wii24, why don't you upload the files on mediafire from your SD card, then I'll download those, play the replays on my Wii and record them from there. You've got hacks, so you must have a SD Card too right?
    Reword: To join that tourney, you have to be a contestant right? I only use Sonic though (since he's the character I'm somewhar decent with) and because of that, I might not be able to join. What if I ask if I can go all Sonic? But I'll switch "costumes" whenever I lose. Like when someone loses, they'll have to switch their character but I'll switch to another Sonic costume?

    If that's allowed lol.
    I remember seeing the idea at the OTL and your name popped up in the Social Groups page when I was refreshing the HOR page so I checked. DTP's idea was pretty damn good.

    I want to... You said so yourself. I only use Sonic. >__>

    Wait, can I like use different coloured costumes for my character?
    Were you sandbagging the 2nd & 3rd match? lol. All I remember/saw was "Die somewhere" >_<

    Fun games!
    He sure can, it's like I got a glimpse of how the MK's are in competitive level. @_@

    Yeah, one match or two (if you can) and go MK.

    I've said this before lol. I've fought Melfice, 0rion (Ryusuta?), randomers and arch knight's MK. All which I can handle pretty well. I just, can't seem to approach your one. >.>

    If I remember correctly, you hit me out of nearly everything I do. I'm like "...What do I do next?"

    Go online and go MK for a match D:<
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