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  • I usually do, see if I've missed anything. Wierd habit.

    I thought it meant something about you and your bro. Just a guess. >.>

    "five character thingies"? lol. MK is the odd one out, he's facing the other way!
    lol@bad reviews for mine.


    I admit, the 2nd one is a little odd since it has "The tale of Two" but with... 1 Pit lol.
    Yeah, its called a "rendered" picture then.

    I don't know how to sorry. I usually go to a site that has pictures already "rendered" though. I'll PM you the details.

    Ehh if you mean like inserting a picture in general, go to file > open > 'choose picture' and copy & paste it from there.

    If you mean inserting a picture that has no background (like the Sonic one in my sig) then you'll have to find a "rendered" picture of it.
    It's not even the classes that are hard. It's the teachers that just take points off for no reason. -__-

    Man I miss playing smash :( And it's until freaking report cards come out at the end of october :mad:

    And nice Ramen :O I'm taking Pre-Calc >_>
    haha nice.

    my grades have been slipping lately so I've been busy the past few days. My parents took away my wii :(
    i hope this will just all blow over before it ruins my chances for winterfest.
    Report me? I've yet to report you, for your countless pages of spam in my VM wall lol. :088:
    lolwut Disco Room?

    It's just a place where you can get +1 post count. I never post there.
    What?! (That be great though if I knew stuff were coming out before they are in the Announcements lol)

    And I did send the 1st time! My PM was probably too fast it flew past the inbox.

    I wouldn't be too hyped about it though. Theres always some gimmick(s) inside knowing it's SEGA. >.>

    I hope too.... D:
    The newer Sonic games other than Next Gen weren't "free". Even Sonic Unleashed was pretty Linear apart from the Werehog stages. Don't get me started on Sonic and The Black Knight too >.>

    Hopefully Project Needlemous will can shine... :sonic:
    StH reminded me of Sonic Heroes but without the slowpokes. It looks exactly like the same Shadow model in Sonic heroes. His speed was a little pointless, since there so many things to kill you had to slow down to ("choose a path" Hero/Dark) destroy them or you ended up missing something. At least Sonic Heroes kept some momentum going.

    I liked all running in Secret Rings, I hated the controller though. It wouldn't have bugged me as much if they hadn't put a level like "DON'T HIT THE POINTLESS JARS THAT CONTRIBUTES NOTHING TO ENTIRE STORY" to make you :mad:

    Sonic Unleashed Daytime is probably the only "newest" style Sonic I enjoyed so far. I didn't like Sonic and The Black Knight either lol.
    I hate you for conning such an innocent person but I laugh at his foolishness. Good stuff' lol.

    I only played that game for a few hours, the camera angle made me =/ Then I thought I'd give the guns a try, but it was just soooo.... Crap lol. I gave up on it just like Secret Rings. >__<''
    You said you were gonna make "one". Guess I got mindgamed in thinking it was a texture. @_@

    2-3 Years ago?! Jeeez... UK sucks lol. Last PS2 game I bought was... Shadow The Hedgehog. I was soooo disapppointed with it.

    UK is crap for getting games. We're always a year or more late than everyone else. I'm still waiting for Dissidia >.> (I need to check if thats out yet) The new stuff in UK is basically the outdated stuff in everywhere else lol.

    Cheers, I'm not good at textures D: I can't do the fancy stuff. >_<

    Go make a texture!
    Well no one actually bothered to make a texture for me. >_< *cough ~ no name dropping* So I took the courtesy of making one myself!

    The sig shops are closed atm =/ No luck right now lol. I guess you have to go make your own! :088:

    I don't think I've even seen "Tales of Abyss" in any game stores I've been to. :ohwell:
    You bet! I'm using my "official" True Blue texture! :sonic:

    Oh right, sounds like Final Fantasy. (Even though I disliked the Final Fantasy anime; Final Fantasy, FFVII Advent Children bleh...) Ramen with a... Villian avvy? o_O Oh dear lol. Your avvy will look awesome in a sig imo. :)

    Hows the sig making going anyway?
    I havn't heard of it lol. Then again, I'm not really up-to-date with any sort of anime. What is "Tales of Abyss" about?

    :088: I'll be the one to stay loyal then! :sonic:
    After some lurking around researching lol, I've think it has something to do with Sync the Tempest? Or is that his name?
    No more SONIC?!?! How dare you!!! :088:

    Anyway, no, I have no clue where your avvy is from. An old anime I'm guessing? Looks like it's related to some machinery / cars / robots style of anime judging by the picture.

    Very few of them are like that. I mean you can "save" them normally but when you look back at the picture again from your computer... It's blank. So I'm like "What...?"

    I'm going off, tired from work. >_<
    Oh right, yeah deviantART is like that sometimes. Then I just screenshot their picture >:D
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