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  • ...well is basically that what i want to say with that ok so don't give u with the social group ok
    ...a well is to animate you is in spanish don't give up or be happy ok
    ..a hi well be happy peachy i know that in this days will be a little hard for the forum but i know that this is momentary and well you doing very well so animo animo animo ok
    Aryman mains Snake. He has one of the best Snake's here and dabuz has one of the best Olimars here.

    But then again, you have one of the best Peach's here and I have one of the best Luigi's ;)
    haha thats what I'm hoping for too, and I can dodge grenades fairly well and everything else he has to throw at me.

    The other issue with doing doubles is the lag, but that could possible work in our favour =D
    Well since we are one of the few teams with more than one person left I've been looking at the special rules to see if we could give ourselves an advantage.

    But I don't see many options, and the rules are kinda confusing lol
    lol I doubt dabuz would miss this =D
    Though a forfeit would be nice

    And we could even do a team match against dabuz and Aryman lol
    Think we can take em? =D

    I have my next match pretty soon though so hopefully I win =D

    And Good luck to you too =D
    Oh you're back, and you won ^_^
    I thought you left :(

    Anyways, now it's just the 2 of us left on our team
    And our next rounds will be tough.

    Dabuz is probably the best olimar user in OTL, she can camp and she is very aggressive so watch out. Luckily Peach has the advantage over Olimar =D
    dabuz also uses Kirby

    As for me, we'll it looks like I'll be facing a Lucario mainer next.

    I hope we win! ^_^
    I beat Teran, so I'm moving to the 3rd round =D

    Make sure you beat Shadow so that we can both move on =D
    hey ~peachy~ wassup? i see that you're a friend of samusbrawler would you like to brawl sometime? ^^
    i'm no scrub you can ask him :D
    (even though he does normally destroy me lol)
    anyways my fc-5026-4392-5973
    But I just don't understand the difference between that and this entire site. (Smashboards)
    I'm not sure where he lives. I think somewhere in Mid US?

    And I've beaten him more than he's beaten me ;)
    You'll do fine =D
    I think you can, but be careful, he is decent with everyone so be prepared

    Good Luck =D
    Not sure yet, we'd have to analyze the bracket and see out of the three of us who would do best in certain spots
    lol Its Yaya =D

    He's facing Sir 0rion

    Maybe we should organize some switches?
    Hooray! =D

    We'll need to think up some strategies between the 3 of us.

    sasukebowser was eliminated :(
    Peachy where are you? We are in the 2nd round already

    I hope you don't miss it
    for some reason your name gets stuck in my head a voice that constantly says "Peachy." I've started saying it and getting people around me infected by this irksome word. Soon the whole world will be saying it non-stop. I hope you're happy! >:p

    btw. "PeachyPeachyPeachyPeachyPeachyPeachyPeachyPeachyPeachyPeachy
    Tournaments and stuff idk?
    Can you explain to me why you want everyone to join?
    I mean to say, if everyone joins, isn't it the same as smashboards? All the same people, a community group, play and have fun.
    (I don't mean to critisize I just am trying to understand)
    Hay peachy its me again.... Ing. umm i would realy like to vs you so if you dont mind im free since its holidays xD. so if you want just forward your brawl code to me and ill b happy to forward mine. Happpy Brawling
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