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  • Got it, I'll take a look for 'em later. (Very busy atm with school work)

    And you aren't forced to get your G1 (I don't know if you guys have it in America) when you turn 16 lol.
    lol I was wondering why you told us a specific date. Happy birthday Pat!

    And there are about 20 songs left, I believe. Let me know when you have the time to download them.

    And don't feel too bad about turning 16, I felt the same way when I turned 20 a few months ago. :p
    Pat! What's up man! Still haven't gotten around to downloading those songs I sent you, eh? :p
    It's a great shotgun that I use in shooting competitions. :3

    I'll try to get some pics of the M1 tomorrow, if I can.
    It has power alright. Just take the kick of a rifle and put it into your hands.
    I personally like it. I am kind of a big guy so I can handle the harder kicking guns..... they still hurt a lil though.
    Be careful when you first shoot one. It could come back and slap you in the face. Make sure that your arms a VERY firm. After you have shot it once and you know how to handle it you should never have a problem again.
    Yeah, we have a lot of guns at our house, but my favorite is my Beretta 686 White Onyx. It's my baby. :3
    No, it's not that. My Dad just doesn't want me to shoot it since it's really his. XD
    Yeah, it's a really nice gun. I wish I could shoot it, but it IS an antique rifle... :(
    Yes, I do.

    My dad got it a long time ago at a shooting competition. He paid 200 dollars, and the government shipped it to him in a year or so. It's worth several thousand right now. :3

    Edit: or something like that, I can't remember the exact story. XD
    I DO remember that it was from the government and it was 200 dollars, though.
    I like synthetic! xD lol I even plan on setting up my Mosin with a synthetic stock and a whole **** load of customs. I will almost replace everything on it. lol
    522 Viper Rifle
    My father owns a lot of guns to say the least. He really doesn't want me to tell how many. They both have a Ruger MK II though.

    Is that a lever action rifle? I would like a range report!
    BTW, AIM is almost a must. I have probably spent around 60 hours or more talking to SWF members. Please get it. *don't feel like I am pushing you
    I agree, I get tired of people not liking guns outside of video games.
    People talk about guns to much because their only experience is through pixels. lol Anyways, enough about the criticism. What guns do you have?
    I only have 2. A Remington .22 (set up as a sniper rifle) and a Mosin Nagnat (as you know).... soon to be set up as a sniper rifle.
    BTW, feel free to hit me up on AIM or skype at any time!
    So....they're reducing the price of the Xbox 360 arcade console here in Canada to $130 for next week. :( (limited time offer)

    Too bad you like in America.
    Heh, within like the year?
    My life...nah just kidding :p

    lol sorry. Do you have a DS btw? I'm excited for Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver! 7 more days!

    Lemme know when you actually buy a 360 and WaW :mad:
    I got to level 30 today with two people on Der Reise D;
    BFBC2 = Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

    And it's cool dude, let me know when you receive 'em so I can send you a fresh batch. :D
    Hey, you should play BFBC2. (Too bad it's not coming out on the Wii)

    They're pretty good for squeezing onto salad and putting wedges of into Gin and Tonic.
    Oh. Well, when you go out of bounds on the map (which I think is just Afghan and Wasteland), you suffer from the heavy radiation and you die. You walk really slowly, hear a distorted clicky noise, and then you die. Even if you walk back into the level you'll still die. But when you get a Care Package, I managed to retrieve whatever was inside and the radiation didn't kill me haha.

    The comparison is too great for SWF's limits. :p
    I hate the nukes lol. Other than bragging rights, I'd much rather have fun gunning your intestines right the **** out of you than I would look at the screen glowing with radiation and then ending the game early lol. Speaking of which, I deployed a Care Package onto radiation in Afghan, but retrieving it spared my death somehow. o:

    See? OP AS **** MANN
    I'm glad to hear he's back with you guys. I don't think it pales in comparison at all. Both of us went through similar experiences.
    Harrier/Chopper Gunner/NEWK
    They should just make a light machine gun called the Patinator. With auto-Rapid Fire/Akimbo on it. **** would be OP as ****. O:
    I'm really sorry to hear that Pat. I wish you and your family all the best.

    How's your father doing if you don't mind me asking?
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