I don't normally get fail groups for random heroics, and it's rarer that I ditch them, but my god. Me healing, shaman dpsing, and then 3 people from the same guild: hunter, rogue, dk tank.
Shaman uses Heroism on first easy pull (this is Utgarde Pinnacle) and says "wrong button"
Tank takes a lot of damage on normal pulls.
One of the tank's guildmates told her to pull the abomination for Sorrowgrave to use the sword thing for the achievement. First, I think you're supposed to pull it after the fight starts (not that I know)
Second, she totally ignored the boss once the boss started attacking and focused on the abomination. We wiped. I left.
jesus christ people
Also I did a couple bosses in Ulduar. Some big chick with pets and a weird name, and the Iron Council. It was pretty fun. Iron Council was pretty tough because that one guy has Falcon Punch that keeps killing the tank. We eventually got it though. Someone said that's a tough achievement to get. Doubt it..