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  • Turns out we won via coinflip lets get this match done somethin tells me SoniKupo is thinkin of puttung me on a banhammer list for his tourneys
    When do you think you and 3mm could play? I won't be available til tmw afternoon (Central Time) but I should have almost all day Sunday.
    And I do but I gots a idea the manliest matches evar Falcon dittos you game?
    OMG Cpu Olimar for god! :p as for b-sticking sure! I dont mind but what happened you disconnected T_T
    Thats fine but could we meet at any where between 5:00 to 5:15 I also have to eat :p
    Just give me another few minutes... I'm gonna grab a bite to eat (small lunch) and I'll meet you on wifi at 5:00.
    Sadly id be at the earliest be able to play at 1:00. So anyway when do you think your homework will be done.
    Um okay with the TM's and I can wait for brawling but we only have till Saturday to get the match done so... -_-
    Ummm... We'll do the TMs when we start trading. I'll be able to Brawl in a minute... I got some Chem Homework (barely any). Just learned tomorrow, I won't be able to play till ~4:00... soo... I guess we fight mufins of banthum in Sunday. Does that work for you?

    Also, do u have AIM? That would help alot for team matches.
    Yeah but I no I wasnt a competetive Hax0r just for fun so would you like the TM's like now? or later? also are you officially allowed to brawl now?
    Yes yes I have both though im ashamed to admit I was somewhat of a Hax0r for a while and one of the cheats I used was 99x TMs so I need to get rid of them :p
    That would be great maybe in return I noticed your friend whos building his (secret) team needed some TM'S a while ago I just wanted to let you know I have every TM in the game and i am willing to give them away. Im just letting you know :p
    Lucky enough I did it was in my gaming bag (Big suprise) Lol but still sadly I still need to go heart scale hunting so for now I can forget about move tutoring T_T
    Me? Meh, I've been off here for a couple of days. C/W and revision mainly. Mocks coming up soon, can't spend too long internet surfing lest I jeopardize my entire future... :embarrass
    Falc is Falconflier here on SWF. And Happy is Happyricefob also on SWF. They're friends of mine, so they were able to join us since I was hosting.
    I thought you just meant some friendlies so you could study my style. I usually ask for practice fights before too.
    Ok, sure call me when you want. I completely changed my avatar because 8-bit mario wins.
    I might get a camcorder for christmas. The we can make the joint youtube account and record all this ****.
    Naw. I usually only do good against people I've brawled before. New challengers always cream me.
    Yeah. It's mostly clan goofing off, texture hacking or posting random things.

    I suck. Don' worry! Be happy! Don' worry 'cause you gon' win!
    Famous? How so?

    And I'll be open Saturday and Sunday. From 10.30 AM Central time to about 2.00 PM
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