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  • Yeah i think captain X should have 4 lives
    Bowzer 5
    Olimar 3

    You can also play as olimar as the boss, but if someone who mains olimar plays this boss, captain x needs at least 4 lives :/
    Well, the thing is here that you defend your apprentices
    And you're more experienced than they are, so it would only make sence that you have more lives :/

    Anyway, again?
    Lets try it with 1.0 and see how it feels

    but put the badge and dragoon parts on

    and if main character dies 4 times, or fox/falco die 3 times than u win.
    sounds good?
    2 things-
    I think this si too hard for YOU
    You have to put franklin badge and dragoon parts on...

    I think we should just give fox falco and the player 3 lives. If any 1 of them die three times, they** fail. How about that?
    Well, I dont want the boss ending up being too easy. I want olimar to be like a summoner- summons pikmen and has a pet dino that do the dirty work for him :/
    Kinda like a d3 but w/e

    I think We should just make bowzer have 6 stock, ctn x have 5 stock, and olimar have 3 stock. I mean, i dont want to make it tooooooooo easy.

    And lets try the gannon match right now. Try to make it as official as can be :/
    When i made the stage i thought people might use shop points to make it easier :/

    Maybe they get a discount?

    or maybe bowzer has 6 lives, captain x has 5 lives, and olimar has 3. how about that?
    I'm going to let people decide if they want to contact mercenaries by PM, or VM

    It isn't my job to check if they are having private conversations.
    Ahh sorry i was afk. Yeah that sounds like a good idea.
    Im about to eat dinner, but after that we can try olimar, k?
    well the rules are really up to you. Sounds good. You can do whatever you want to the rules, just dont make it too hard for someone to win :p

    anyway, i like those rules. Ill edit it into the main post
    wow youre a great gannon
    Nice job on the last match

    Anyways, im changing the rules a bit. But you forgot to:
    Put damage ratio to 0.5, which helps you
    Put dragoon parts on

    Now, heres the changes ima make:
    Originally, you only have to completely kill 1 star animal. I will keep it that way
    I will make both star animals lvl 1

    Oh and you forgot to set time up, but forget about that.
    Is that ok with you?
    or do u want more changes?
    Hey you gotta add me man ive been trying to join for like 5 mins and every time it says this friend has deleted u
    Would it be cool if you could also be 2 more bosses? one for each chapter?

    Btw i made you gannon :/
    Ok. I'll be online in 5 minutes or so. Need to read the rules a bit. lol
    You can host.
    haha sounds good! hope you do well in it!!!
    i already lost the first round.... :( so you have to represent me :laugh:
    Well... I guess my tourney frenzy had ended... NOTE TO SELF:

    Kirby Crazy, Close Combat, Perfect World.
    We fight for the Close Combat tourney. Uh, I should be able to do it whenever you see me online on Smashboards. That should be often Friday; so and so tomorrow.
    im thinking i could recommend you into the close combat tourney :) would you like me to do that? i think you would get your matches on time!
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