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  • im sorry!!! I failz. Either or, be on a little after 9 and we can get this done, im not worried about you not being your best, after 8 hours of work and no time to warm up im sure I wont be at my best either, so it should be fun. Ill VM as soon as I get home.
    Eh, not much people there anyways. Besides, xats suck in comparison to a good IRC.
    Hope your are on by 9:10, we gotta get our matches done quick, I have to be on the road by 9:30 for Djing tonight.
    I have a little brother who doesn't mind snitching, the Wii is IN MY PARENTS' ROOM, and they can hear the hum of the T.V. ...
    I just realized... click on Chat at the top of the screen, under the boards tab. Go on.

    I gotta study up driving more... and practice more too. So I can pass the driving test.
    pft, its 12:30 here to but ok, I wont be able to play til after 9 tomorrow for the record.
    Okay, tell me in the social group or something
    If im ever getting TOO nosy, just tell me. Ill understand >_>
    Anyways, I'm not even supposed to be on the computer. I'm going to bed. Good Night.
    Lol, I read it. It's fine for you to wait and decide. I have no problem with athiests who have no problem with religious people. You're a smart person.
    Lol@pic. Y'see, I'm not like that... I ask more questions, etc. Sides, in Youth Service I'm learning how to debate with people about my faith. My pastor can do that. As for me... I recently heard that something proved the Great Flood... I forget what it was though... some scientific evidence. But whatever...
    Nope. It's how I was raised, how I feel, and how everything just warps around. Once you're exposed to that... well, you'd believe too. Besides... I'm not one of those stereotypical stuck-up Christians. Most of the adults in my church are though, and I dislike them for that. 'Sides, while I do believe in God and that he is great, I don't randomly burst out or anything, or even talk about God that much in general... I really should, my family is the most worried for me, asking me if I even believe in God, considering I always ask so much questions and such... but really, what do you have to lose by believing in God?
    Yeah, besides our skin color and religion or lack thereof. But, hey, religion is how you were raised. If you were to be cloned, you'd still have to grow up, lol.
    You ARE my clone. I'm about 5'5 - 5'6 (haven't measured recently) and I'm about 121, also underweight for my age with a fast metabolism and I can bench 125 pounds or greater. Sounds like you're my clone...
    Pshhh... don't you wish, lol. I can make friends due to general silence and kindness. I know most of the people in the school and I'm friends with most everyone.

    (If you're 5'5 - 5'7, then I will hunt you for being a clone)
    Lol, this means you'd have to be there in person. For the record, I also look like 12, but I'm not adorable. I consider myself ugly, but others just consider me above average. And when I wear a suit... THEN I look cute/handsome/fresh, whatever. In just a tank shirt? Then I'm just sexy, lol. But seriously, that won't help from long distance.
    Minus the humor added in, that's me as well. If it wasn't a religious debate, I've never lost.
    o that means that you are too fine is very good that alex and well maybe tomorrow we can have a brawl today well i can't for my big brother but maybe tomorrow we can and well miles is also a ness mainer so like the lucas user's united i like to ness too or both user's or maybe with more united so went you have time do it ok

    Huh, your name is Alex, huh...? Only fair then, the name's Andrew. Again, they don't care about arguments. No one's going to take my side, as my two oldest brothers? They'll say I'm ignorant, so long as I'm on the opposite side of my parents. Shoot, I can't even drink Coke despite providing evidence that it isn't bad in moderation and I wouldn't get addicted to it. Everyone flocked to my parents' side. I can't argue with them. It's always a loss, lol.
    hi alex how are you ?
    o i forgot i want to you meet a new friend he joined in a few days before so is new and well i would like to you too be friended of him is a good friend ok is milesg2g

    Heh, lol. I can't do that. Y'see, in stuff where I'm right, they're just like "I don't have to discuss this with you. You're a child."
    I can only play weekends and days off and the days before days off. Can't even watch T.V. on weekdays...
    Lol, homework purposes. And they just don't want me to IDK why... even after I've finished my homework...
    Or Mario. I do play a bit of Mario... I hear it destroys the infinite...
    Yo, I have an idea for a tournament pioneer test.

    What if you were to make the damage ratio 1.1 and allow infinites (minus IDC and other stalling)

    According to most people, this eliminates many chaingrabs, etc. And is seemingly a viable choice.

    I know that you don't have to do this at all, but I figure it'd be an interesting pioneer and change matchups up some.

    Either that or we could Brawl online this weekend (I can't play on the weekdays) with that damage ratio on. It'd be an interesting test and could probably change the tiers around quite a bit. On top of that, it could become a standard provided we present actual tournament results to the SBR. It's your call, just think about it.
    I'm more likely to say stuff that will get me jumped when I'm sober, I'm actually a pretty nice guy when I'm drunk. I'm not really afraid of backlash though, people's opinions have never bothered me that much.

    Any time, mon cher ami.
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