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  • Ah, terrible timing haha. I was JUST about to log off. Gotta take the SAT tomorrow. D:

    I'll definitely play ya tomorrow afterward though.
    I don't really wifi, sorry, lol.
    I hardly ever play brawl anymore.

    And yeah, I guess we should. I stopped posting there, lol.
    Before today, I hardly ever posted in that thread. Dx
    Hm, it started out as a thread that was supposed to show the SBR why sonic should be higher in the tier list I think.
    I suppose so, hopefully. I think I'll start my work now after checking the PG and Kirby/Lucario boards. Ciao!
    Cool! After I'm done my chores and homework though. I get grounded if I do homework on a Sunday. Not for religious reasons, my parents just think I should pretend that on Fridays I have school the next day.
    Ouch, lol, wow... I wonder if I should make Kirby my main again, and Lucario my secondary... hrm...
    No, it won't... ah well! Good old 1.0, then. Thank you Straked.

    But tell me... which one was better, my Kirby, or my Lucario?
    I would say that it's good, but 1.1 is too detrimental for characters like Kirby, Jigglypuff, and of course Lucario, who requires a bit of damage to REALLY do some killing...
    I know, lol. However, people say that good players never get hit by it. So I use it in my matches for lols. Man, that move requires such prediction...

    Oh, and I know that Stone is a bad move. I was using it to mindgame. Cutter... well, I think that Final Cutter is average. Just gotta know where and when. I was hoping to catch you off-guard by moving just enough back to land and hit you with the beam. Didn't work out too hot...

    But what are your opinions on 1.1? Viable, or too damaging for lighter characters?
    I noticed... I have honestly gotta stop grabbing so much... because I was doing crazy stuff, but grabbed every second. Shame my Double Team didn't kill you... how was my Kirby?
    I know, lol. Grabbing is a big part of my game, but Lucario's grab range sucks. I tried to do the Pivot Slide Grab, but that didn't work at all...

    Oh, and I can officially say I suck in 1.1...
    Your Ness is awesome. Shame I never one though... always one stock away ;_;
    Don't fret that too much.
    We just have to put up with them, Glyph let me on in a little secret that I'll tell you in the group ;)
    Some people ruin the mood for me here, though :c
    but that happens at aib too soo....

    And so much immaturity too @_@
    Indeed, but some fun things would be nice too 8D
    Obviously not taking it so far, as to like a ladder and ****, but meh.
    Something here, something there, yadda yadda.
    There should be a little more convenience, though.
    Like a better notification system @___@
    Maybe something for social group notification, maybe an actual PROFILE? Where you can actually tell about yourself. o_o

    Also thanks for the compliment on the poem, lolol.
    I did mah best 8D
    I know @_____@
    Wish they were a little more convenient.
    Actually, swf should definitely get a makeover in the future.
    Don't leaaveee meee D:

    Not much, I sent Ben the best poem I could make with my crappy poem making skills, Darren said it was really good @___@
    Did you wanna see it? 8D
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