Ah. Yes and no. If you're serious about no one loving you or feeling unloved, then yeah. If not, then no. Don't worry about it in reality, but if you're seriously feeling ignored or neglected, then spend your time loving others. That's what I do--or at least try to do. And, yeah, it doesn't always get noticed at first--and sometimes not at all. But people know me for it, and respect me because of it. The way I see it is: I want to be acknowledged and loved, and so I'm going to acknowledge and love others, because I'm sure they feel the same way. If they turn and do the same for me, great, if not, I've still achieved my goal by being there for them.
But like I said, if you were just joking around, don't worry about it. But if you're seriously feeling down, send me a PM or something and we can talk. Sure that sounds weird and creepy--but I know that for a long while (and even still now) I'd want people to express how I was feeling to, and I didn't always have those people. So instead I had a lot of hurt bottled up that no one ever heard about. It wasn't good stuff, I'll tell you that much. But, even though I don't know you, I'm here for you. Take it for what it's worth.