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  • Hmm...

    I hadn't thought of that. I mean either way you'll get a small boost in points. But having a a backup is good for injuries, and you don't know if your potential TE will be gone if Witten gets hurt.
    Hmm... Chester Taylor's a decent back, but he's behind AP so he's not going to get too many carries. I'd say maybe a TE. Which TE's do you have now?
    Oh! Oh! Bigger inbox too! :laugh:

    I basically just bought it for the name change. :p I could care less about the other stuff, considering I already had a custom color and such.
    Queen Killjoy. You get two name changes every three months with premium membership. :) ...I kinda feel like changing it again though. I just haven't fully decided what it is that's, well, me.

    The pranked thing is premium too. Anyone with it just sends a message to Killjoy telling them who they want to prank, and then that person ends up with a pink name and the 'pranked!' title. Probably sounds kinda dumb, but it's fun. :p You can prank yourself too if you like the color.
    Lol, chyeaahhh. It was long overdue. :) I like the name timssu, but no one knows what it stands for. <_< If they did, I wouldn't have had a need to change it. D:
    I'm back!!!!

    After struggling for months with computer issues, I'm happily making my return to smashboards! Just letting everyone know.
    Hey hey hey.

    Your Absol set in strategy pokedex is really helping me out, people seem to have a hard time getting around it, especially Sucker Punch. Nice job.
    Not sure... it's late...

    Tell TheAceLucario for me, I don't wana post this twice.

    My mom banned SWF, that's why I'm doing this at 2:00 AM. I won't be on for a while.

    Some time this summer I might get my own computer. she said i could use SWF on that computer.

    Unless my parents are out, I can't post until then. sorry.

    see you soon. maybe.
    really? I'll get the right link and edit the message. sorry bout that!

    `K. just fixed it. I tested the link and it should work now. Soooo, you in?
    sorry for responding so late (20 minutes is pretty abysmal). I don't know for sure what time/day. But If I get my DS back (I just realized my parents have it) tonight... or tomorrow, even... I can start my practice run for Shaymin. We can get together sometime next week, maybe (it is summer after all)? I'll try to get my sister's diamond ready for the glitch before then.

    Completely unrelated, but have you seen/heard-of/solved/tried-to-solve-and-failed-and-went-home-crying Frown's riddle, yet? It is crazy hard! TheAceLucario and I are working collaboratively on it, and we are stumped on step 2... or is it 1?... point is, it is crazy hard, and we need some more people. Could you help? the original riddle is here. If you know any other smart people, ask them to help, too. But try to keep the number of people down to about 4-5. If you join that'll make 3. You might want to befriend TheAceLucario if you join. The riddle says we will need the help of many to solve it. That might be an exaggeration, but more than one can never hurt!
    Lol, beat it today. Was kind of dissapointing really. Voice acting was mediocre and there was one dialogue part that was so messed up, I burst out laughing.

    I like the perks though, tasty.
    Hey, you's beed on tuhdae!

    I talked to my sister and I can use her file. She's got everything we need to do it, but It'll still take a while. Also, I don't want to lose my Master Ball in the glitch.

    Soooo, I'll test the glitch (possibly before we meet) on shaymin. Then if it works (and I don't die) I'll trade the Master Ball over and do it for Darkrai. koo?
    grrr. It seems like everything I post is out of sync. I talk about the "menu problem" and your on the subject of my sister's obsession with useless objects lying around her bed-room.

    Jeez, I don't know if she even has it anymore. Not that she'd sell it, but if she lost it? God. I had to vacuum the upstairs the other day, and I could barely get the vacuum into her bedroom cuz of all the clutter!
    well, that might be a problem. I'll see if I can put the menu on my start button, so if x-button pressing instinct takes over, it won't get me killed.
    Like I said, maybe we can't do it right away. The plan is not (I quote) 100% SAFE. I must (quote again) BE CAR... (after clicking to see more) ...EFUL. I'll see if I can use my sister's Diamond. She never plays it... but she's pretty territorial about her stuff.
    Otherwise, it looks awesome. I'm just disappointed that it takes some 4 hours! Maybe on some random weekend, I we can get together. I'll do the glitch and we can "Brawl-it-up" during the dead time.
    I'll try to do it this summer, maybe I'll wait until you get Platinum so I can trade my good PKMN there in case the glitch goes wrong.
    sorry for replying so late. thought we were doing this on G-mail...

    wow. I should post that address tonight, right?
    Dang, lol, bad timing, I just got home like fifteen minutes ago :ohwell:

    Well I'm working most of the day tomorrow, but I'm free pretty much every afternoon and evening, so yah, I'll add your FC now so that's out of the way, mines on my profile. Just PM me if I'm online and you wanna brawl, I always stay on the forums on my laptop while brawling.
    It's all good. I've actually never had wi-fi. I just steal minor signals from others, which I was able to connect to for long enough to get a friend code. :laugh:
    I can't...I have no wi-fi. :( And probably won't for at least two more months. If I ever do though, I'll definitely tell you. :)
    Oh, yah it does ranked matches in With Anyone mode, in order to set your own rules you have to play With Friends mode and host a room. It's always random whose items and stage choices get picked, so like, if you keep picking FD and set items to Off and None, it'll eventually work out if the game randomly selects you as the 'host', but otherwise With Anyone mode is kind of lame that way :ohwell:

    And yah, 9 my time sounds good, my brother has his graduation ceremony today at 7 so I should be back by 9, maybe 9:30ish and possibly 10 if the principle decides to give a rambling speech like he did at my grad last year >.<

    Anyways, look forward to brawling with you!
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