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  • Hey Kofu, you ever thought about joining a clan? I know there is one that would really welcome you!:bee:

    Yeah, methinks you're that good.:)
    I saved that one too And the one after it with Falcon punching MK to oblivion out of Mach Tornado.
    I have two "dark" ones. One is a more accurate depiction of Ganon in Twilight Princess. The other is like an "Unleashed" version - very dark, black and red.
    Heheh... I not very fond on of G&W smashes and disjointedness. I die so early X_X. I think he's alright, though.

    The Yoshi Island... I was looking at you and got destracted for a second and I think I was holding back on the control stick. Must be from me needing to sleep. It's really late and I gotta wake up in 5 hours...:urg:


    I wouldn't be surprised if I see you tear it up in the Loser's Brackets. ;) You're reeeally good!
    Yeah... the fact that you F-Smashed me out of a roll says that got predictable. G&W is so hard for me... :urg: I got lots of Exp againt G&W so I guess that helped. Your pretty unpredictable. Definitely one of the better players I've faced here. Thanks for the tip, I'll try to fix it. :)
    I'm not sure what the whole thing about you taunting was. If it was to annoy me, you should know that I've crashed many of a taunt party to have that not affect me anymore. :ohwell: Either way, I liked how you played. Good games.
    Kofu, I see we have a match in the Fight for Pink Tourny. If you want we can do this now as I have the bandwidth all to myself right now. I don't mind the stages we play on.

    Edit: I just saw my sister STILL on the computer.
    i wish i knew, you really just have to get olimar in the air once and keep him there, and projectiles or transcendent moves aren't always going to beat him anyways
    But I also look for audio cues in-game. Snake grenade pick, Ganon's Choke Hold (un), Pikachu's Tjolt, etc.

    Probably because the texture I have is a vertex hack. I've never been able to tell.

    As a person who only got 4 hours of sleep the last two days, I really did not give a **** about what you were using, lol
    I can't fight to my fullest if I'm exhausted and I can't have my custom music playing.
    Free win for anyone who catches me just after work and can't handle textures!

    But seriously, I needed my Advance Adventure Instrumental playing at Smashville. :V
    I don't think we need to use the same characters since we are the ones challenging.. sammy p should just seperate our names/characters.. it would be better that way lol
    yea i agree :) but i think im dropping out regardless! if you would like to recruit a couple more people, your MORE than welcome, but i just dont think i can handle the battles anymore.
    hi kofu :) ummm... im having trouble keeping up the the gym battle tournament. :ohwell:. im seriously thinking about giving up my position. would you like to take it if i drop out?
    The song I'm talking about.

    I'll be back in 8 hours. When I get back, we have to play for rPSI's.
    The Donkey Kong Country 2 remix album on Ocremix is a blast and a half. It has a much better DK Theme than Brawl does.
    I'll give you guys one more day. Remember these are the rules for R2:

    Stage: Delfino Plaza
    Characters: All
    Items: Mr. Saturn, Hothead, Fireflower, Sandbag. Set to Medium.
    Stock: 3
    Timer: 8 Minutes
    Status on your match with Dvon for Long Live the Glyph Train? Deadline is tonight.
    Zelda's aerials are great imo. The ability to utilize them properly is what separates a good Zelda from a great Zelda. Fair and Bair kill pretty early and do good damage. Uair is a great kill move, Dair is a good spike, and Nair is just beautiful for many things (juggling, insane priority, autocancelling). The trick with Zelda's aerials is that you have to play some good mindgames and have good prediction to use them.

    I said Zelda was a simple character who required no technical skill, but to master her, you need some great smarts. After all, she is the Triforce of Wisdom.
    No one likes using her really. I just rubbed off on some of the OTL people that's all (I'm pretty sure I'm the cause of the numerous pocket Zeldas creeping up). But in reality, nobody uses her in the smash world x_x. If they did, she'd have more rep and perhaps be higher on the tier list due to better representation and thus, better tournament results.

    Zelda is a simple character. Someone who is requires no technical skill at all. And contrary to popular belief, her attacks are pretty good, albeit most have severe cooldown (I said cooldown instead of lag, because lag makes it sound as though her attacks have slow startup, which they don't; only her fsmash/tilt/jab/grab have 10+ frames of startup tbh), so naturally her attacks can be easily utilized.

    She's not a terrible character when you think about it, but she doesn't make it far enough in the competitive smash scene to be considered good, so meh, to everyone (including myself), she's a bad character.
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