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Grey Belnades
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  • You're so sweet with kind sexy words Grey. : P Know how to capture a young woman's heart. xDD You haven't lost it.

    Oooh the shaking of joy of our body and hands. : P It's funny, it's insane but worth the battle drama!!! <3

    LOL I DID NOOOOO SUCH! THAT WAS HAX : P You simply felt like it was important to Smash down when it was needed. : P That was alllllll hax. XD And lawl at cruel brawl. :p

    OOOOOOOOOH SO THAT IS WHERE THE SPARTA KICK CAME FROM. :p Grey invited Ganon to do his special kick of doom I was like. "OOF" Oh god poor marthy. O: But you can tell I got spirit and spunk I don't give up. ;3
    I'm amazed really I didn't think I could make old man grey has his has be shaken a bit by me. Yeah, people tell me my marth is such a hassle, but is doing the right thing. : P By the way. Why on earth did you Down smash with your wolf, when you knew I was at a bad advantage? XDDD

    Also.... Your ganon... I must... resist.... the... darkness. MUST!
    God my hands are shaking irl... x.x; I never fought so hard with my marth with a ganon like yours. It's just... insane.. -Sighs sitting down.- I want to be strong like you one day Grey. Maybe one day. if I can stop shaking that would help. ^^;... -breaths.- XD
    Grey you are soooooooo funny!! I couldn't stop laughing! XDDD I love it!! the whole battle was fun! XD
    LOL Your luigi is dangerous. >_>.. I really enjoyed brawling you though Grey. But I told you I wasn't up at my gameplay lately. xDD But your really awesome I see what I'm doing wrong at times, I can't say I don't. But I cam only good with certain characters depending who I fight with, Since everyone fights different, But I know I dodge a lot. I apologize on that. Old habit dies hard. But I see why your a good top player in brawl well one of them I know. Maybe one day I'll be that strong like you, Some days I can be epic other days I fail. XDD This was one of them.xD
    It's alright for 2 whole years of no hacking I rather enjoy my wii then just blah with my wii, Hacking fun but like I said it get's lonely not a lot of people are around with me when I wanted to play hacking games with them, But since your on I'm on now. I'll mess with you. : P

    And nooooo I need to give you more luv grey. YOU WERE VOTED!!! :D - Clings to his back with the hug.- xDDDDD
    I am online, I think I probably just missed you. : P Funny thing is also that no I won't turn my back on hacking, give me two years and I'll be good to go. : P Still going to give you my GCT Codes, and my wii is still set on 4.3US When I bought the new black wii, When I see you wifi I will take you on. I apologize if I lack of anything, bare with me if you can. :3 -Hugs Grey.- Thanks a bunchy!
    Lolll now I only have night and Castlevaina to get going on. >W>
    As for brawl. -Points below.-

    2 Days that's all I needed I got everything back and going. So without much sleep and stuff, But I got some sleep in. xD But it only took me like 2 days and got done around 10 something in the morning. : P So here is my new FC


    (The moment you add that, I'll be waiting for your **** moment with GW. xDD)

    Also I still have my SD That has the hack stuff, so it's not gone forever. : P I just need another wii in case if I do something like that ever again. I'll probably end up having to many wii's when I'm done. xD Lmao. : P Errrr I had fun with the hacking stuff but I get lonely when no one's around to mess with me, So i'm done screwing around for now with brawl hacks. ^-^ But I'm a peacemaker for sky is my limit. :p
    Then.... THE WAR IS ON! - Place her cap on her head.- It is time to work everything back. XDDDD I'm a good sport so I'll do that. Sub space is annoying but so far I almost got all of the characters, but I'll be nice to give my new brawl code. :3 and I'm going to need yours again. >.<;... Then hopefully I'll get castelvaina done and alsoooooo Knights. So when I do that, Will have a blast. I don't mind if you can wait a little longer. Me and gameplay is just insane. XDD
    I mean say like all brawl files have all the "Files that you beat the game, etc..." All that. Can't you put that in the SD card and just ... Er... Wait I guess you can' give me the main "Game file" So you could like... Be able to help me get all the stuff without going through the stages, and stuff. Without trying to hack the system... ><;.... I have to do this all by scratch don't I? XD
    Hahaha. XD Oooh dear, Well I have to start these things all over again, but.. Err about the hacks. ._.; Is there a way to avoid that? Or... is there something I need to know? XD Before I say "Yes to that" XDD Also Since you sent me that I do need to send you my GCT files too. -shuffles through her files since you know it's been like forever. life comes at you.- XDD
    -Snickers.- XDDD You became a sky pirate king. Hahaha. XD Try not to kill anyone in our qwest. ANDDDDD... -points below.-

    OH JOY Game and watch. : P You'll probably **** me, but I must first get all the characters, etc all back. so bare with me, unless you got something to help me out. XD Without anymore hack issues or my mom will murder me. XDDD With a friendly smile. xD She will be like. " YOU HACK WHAT?" XD J/k... XD Yeah... .w. I'm a adult but she's just so kidn to help me even if I asked her not to. ;w; But then again I was like. " So I can go buy a new wii?" XD She said. "FIIIINE" XDD So off to the store we went. : P
    XD Sail the skies alright!!! - Sails away with Grey with all the booty he needs.- ARGH! XDD

    That's alright I had nothing to do so I went on and bought me a black wii, maybe later on in life I'll send you my white wii. : P BUt then this goes to show you that it was alright buying my black wii was worth it. I wanted another one, and it was on sale. >: D Lucky me matey ARghhhh! XD But that means now I can finally play my brawl happily. After I'm done messing with my 360. : P So I have to give you my new brawl wifi code, and get everything back. D: Since I did lost everything. "Castlevaina judgement." NIghts journey of dreams." "My sims 1, and 2. " But I never cared about those mostly brawl and Castlevaina and Knights journey. XD
    Daww peacemakers help the innocent, then we make millions of gold!!! GOOOOOOLDDD! - Stares at him.- I know you are into it. - Smirks.- XP Up for it grey? XDDD -Giggles.-

    And bad news Grey. D: My wii said. "Hell no." To either way of the methods... So it just won't work I got a ceaner (To clean the lens D: ), I did everything, I even prayed over it. NOTHING! D:... So I have to go and buy a new one. : P Which I don't mind I wanted another colored wii. : P
    Dawww even if I wasn't a pirate, I'm a peacemaker. : P I don't sail the seas, I sail the skies!!! I'm a pioneer Grey. : P I run around free, and have gold with me allllllllllllll the time Mister Grey. :3 But you'll always be my favorite number 1 Pirate. ^-^ -Giggles.-

    And thanks Grey about the lens thing, I feel really goofy for not thinking about the lens I probably didn't have to delete everything if that was the case. u.u;... But that's alright.

    -Chases after Grey and latches on his old leg.- BUT GREEEEYYYY I NEEEDDD YOUUU!!! XD
    -Shows a evil cute mark on her hand.- :3

    BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTT ON the bright news, I can be a good sport and simply buy a new one, ANNNNNNNNNNDDDDD Found out it was the lens. =/ .... So that means I'll try the lens cleaner but if this isn't working fully correctly (which it says this to all my games since I tested it out. ) I'ma buy a new wii to be smart about it. : P Or just... Sell it on ebay. j/k. xDDD

    And... WELLLL GAHHH Lens.... I'll try that. see what happens. owo; but grey if I send it in to get it fix, The problem is... See it's illegal to have a hacked wii, I could get in trouble if they find out my wii was hacked. .w. ;.... That's another problem... XDD But I will try the lens method and see what happens. XD
    You're WAY too kind to this noobish Pit main sir... >_>

    Also, you shouldn't charge me for the training. I'm too cute for that.
    To answer who you are. YOU ARE My long long long lost father. J/k. xDDD - Pats his back slowly and not painful.- xDDDD

    Well you see I told you I hacked my wii right, My friend also Jonathan told me " If you're wii is hacked your screwed." So i did everything to try to fix it, but see I don't think it screws up with the other games cause i didn't bother trying that out. I mean like for example I bought the old super smash brothers game and it never frozen up but it's like completely fine.

    But when I pop in the Brawl disc ( I had two ) it didn't matter with either one of the disc it still frozen up, and it kept saying. " Can't read this disc please something operation." <---- Manual thingy....

    So I clean my disc (Fail...)
    I cleared out everything on my wii ( Fail again, but the first time I did it the opening went slow with no sound, it crashed. )
    Then I tried to update my wii ( "Still with 4.3US " and it fail. )
    I tried it with Wiiconnection24 ( It still failed. )

    So everything I can think of for that darn system it just crashed and burn only on my brawl disc. Sad to say I just probably have to buy another wii and not hack that one. : P It did give me however one last wifi gameplay I was using fox, and after that... Bye bye wii. .w.;;;
    To all that's been said. Forget about my wii. I'm going to my 360. If you have a 360 thing er buddy name or whatever they call it I'll add you. My wii finally got sick, and it died on me today. This morning around 5:27PM XD It finally died on me. - Salutes to it.- So I won't play brawl anymore it kept saying. " Can't read disc. " Please blah blah blah whatever from there. XDD

    So I have to probably buy a new wii, and I got screwed over because I think it's just... Now dead. >_> and I erased everything all is lost on my wii. XDD So I'm going towards 360, and... er PS2 Back to old school days. XDD I'm sorry Grey I wish I was able to brawl you, but even my little techno head can't do much anymore. Guess us youngings never learn. : P - Giggles.-

    Also since you asked me to be nice to your back. - Lightly hugs softly.-<--- Lol. XD

    And also to you dying. - Uses another phenoix down.- COME BACK SIR I NEED YOU D:

    also.... YOU DREAMED ABOUT ME?!!! = D I AM SOOOO LOVED! - Huggles him.- xDDD You are loved by me now. Muhahaha!!! - Sits in emo corner cause she's going to miss playing brawl. .w. -
    What? That's not healthy for your back. You young people take your healthy backs for granted. I wish I had people on my back instead of suffering back pain.
    We try, but we don't listen to well. : P Our mom warn us but we just get so stingy now a days. xDD and aww. I could hold you grey! XD

    I promise I won't di....Blargh
    DIDN'T I SAY DON'T DIEEEEEE! D: - Tries to use phoenix down!- XDD


    I'm open for a brawl anytime. Don't worry if you spam. I haven't played Brawl in awhile so I'll be rusty as well. Good, then your training will begin.
    My wii been going fritzy I blame it on the hacks but it works sometimes. >_>;.. Either that Or I've been playing wii all day without turning it off one time. xDDD Lollll Any who.. I'm sorry I have been away I miss you like crazy, and life has gotten me often on it's chains. But Grey, When your around I can't wait to brawl you sir. -Points wiggling finger.- xD
    That will have to wait until tomorrow as I must get to bed right now.

    Good night to you Old Man.
    I'll one up you on that one. My writing is not for profit as I can't charge a cent for them.
    Baseless lies? Corrupted greed?

    Dearest Grey I'll have you my writings are a strike against all systems of economy.
    Censor the truth all you wish, but it will be known!
    The public shall know the truth Grey! :088:
    The proof is in the convo old man.

    But it is, and it's not just you, this illusion is something the whole world creates and fools itself and others with. Sad truth.
    This twist in context. Only Communists would pull such shenanigans!

    Don't deny the truth! You know it is all an illusion!
    Meh, even equality in the communist sense is an illusion. Don't try and hid behind that blanket with me! :088:
    I can brawl u grey I think u need to ruster up too because the first time we battle u were very good and I couldn't even get a stock out of you.
    Sorry about that Grey. Idk what happened. Stein and Blink are both my friends. They've heard me talking about you and they wanted to play against you. Wish I could've gotten a bit more play time against you cuz I was just warming up. But anyway, thanks for humoring my random Brawl whim.
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