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  • True, true. What's it like to take care of three dogs at once? Do you walk them all together or one at a time?
    They seem to act like one too. I helped to look after a friend's aunt's eskie one day. When I eventually get a dog, it will probably be this one.

    I've been hearing different responses when it comes to allergies though. Some say that they're not good for allergy sufferers because they shed, but others say that they're fine because they have little dander and constantly groom themselves.
    Huskies are indeed awesome. I'm a fan of big dogs for the most part. Huskies, Malamutes, Samoyeds, Rough Collies, Border Collies, etc, etc, etc. Although for some reason, my absolute favorite dog is the Eskie, which is only a mid-sized dog. o_0
    I used to be exactly the same as you in the worry department. Even now, I sometimes worry too much, but it used to be much worse. It got so bad at one point that I had trouble making friends except for those that took me in to their group themselves. It was like I was a lost puppy.

    It was actually my older sister that helped me get over a lot of my worries. She just kept telling me that it was impossible to go through life without anybody making rumours about you or insulting you at every turn just to see your reaction. You have to just learn to shove aside those bad people in your mind and be grateful for the many, MANY people who love you and care about you. Your friends, family, etc.

    If you want me to help you get through this, let me know.
    But a lot of those members DON'T believe them. They're just playing along so that Knee doesn't ever get started.

    Getting offended by little things like a group of guys talking about boobs is just, in my opinion, a waste of energy. If you're going to get offended, get offended by the big things, like somebody beating up a helpless stranger on the street, or somebody making a derogatory remark.
    yep ur ignoring him,he's saying stuff and ur just talking bout pokeymanz. Good job being the mature one

    Did demon actually tell you that? And I thought you put Knee on your ignore list.

    To be honest, I can't help you with the perversion thing going on. Today's society is much more accepting of sexuality, to the point that those who DON'T accept it are labeled as prudes. To be honest, it doesn't offend me. I just let the boys have their fun and come back to the group when the boob talk has died down (which seems to be just now. ^_^)

    Either way, I know it's tempting to want to see what Knee is posting, but the ignore list is there to PREVENT that. If you can't see what he's saying, you can't get offended, you won't have he urge to fight back, and you'll be in much less trouble. Trust me on that one.

    EDIT: what demon says is right. All he wants you to do is just ignore Knee for good.
    yes to him hating u.
    it amazes me u dont hate him back but anyways,thanks for ignoring his posts.

    hello elems. my friend has already made da group, it's called bible students. he told me he sent u an invite n trust me, nobody feelings will get hurt.
    dont worry if you get kicked out for no apparent reason ill try taling DF into bringing you back ^_^
    as a matta of fact i told one of the people i know 2 make it, his profile name is bow master1. u should meet him some time he's really nice as long as he thinks ur hot or nice. but ur one of da nicest people i know so dat shouldn't b a problem.
    wow, i've been doin the exact same thing! i haven't been visiting ssfoc(super smash followers of christ) lately due 2 da account of all da arguin. i'm glad we can agree 2 stuff like dat. hey maybe we should make a group about da bible 4 ourselves n other mature christians n people interested n learnin about da bible. wat do u think?
    alroight! awwwwww yeah! NOICE! kickin it old school! HEY KOOL AID! ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh
    That's an old pic, from like, 1 1/2 year ago. The only difference now is that I'm taller, have a deeper voice, and I have an afro now. ;D
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