1000 char limit makes life hard. xD
mmmk. I might start seeing what a falling Nair does for me.
Yeah, we can control where Nana goes *sort of*. Basically Nana will always DI to where Popo is at the moment. So I can move around and alter Nana's DI some, making it a little harder to hit her. When she is knocked offstage she will always use IBs to kind of protect herself.
But to the contrary, you don't want to play more defensively against ICs. It allows them to set up stuff that will almost force you into a grab. You should actually play aggressive, but it takes a lot of precision to do that and not get grabbed. If you can pull it off though, you really limit what ICs can do.
Well not use Uair blatantly when we're above you, but if we're on a platform or something. Or the floor of Delfino while the stage is moving.