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  • Haha, I was waiting for a VM then looked here and saw that you posted it on your own wall. :p

    Lol, that was kind of funny. I was confused on why you SD'd, though, haha.

    I didn't think I would win. Your Zelda ***** me in game 2. :p
    hahaha 1st match **** xD
    I know no point in continuing after hahahaha
    GG's It was fun lol

    I knew you'd win :)
    Alright, I can play now.

    My CP will be in my tags, blah blah blah.
    I feel pretty empty these days.
    It's no problem though, being all sad is no fun.
    Lol, it makes me smile whenever people talk about me. xD

    Uh, will you be on in an hour - half an hour? And definetely.
    So, I saw your conversation about me between you and Helix.

    I'm touched. ;p
    I'm sure you'll put up a challenge. :p

    I can play later today, probably.
    As it turns out, it's a bad idea to make a triple post mocking the mods about how you never get infracted. Lesson learned.

    Good luck with him.

    The next time you make a low tier tourney (If you do) I'm gonna join and destroy Ugg's smugg face. lol I'm gonna say that from now on :laugh:

    Btw I just saw your Low tier tourney. D*mn it, why did I take so long to brawl again. And I see you have to battle Ugg huh, what did he use in the low tier tourney?
    Who doesn't hate Olimar, even Olimar mains hate Olimar :laugh:

    I haven't beat him even once in the past four months, but thats all about to change soon :evil:

    We should enter the doubles ladder again, I entered a lot of local tournies so I'm more confident now.
    Nothing but old people? lmao that's hilarious

    He used to play Olimar too :freak:

    He said he hated my squirtle, or anyone with a good glide toss.

    Kirby has the advantage in the match-up against Diddy but he plays Kirby's all the time. I still think you're good enough to beat him with Kirby.
    Where do you live in Alberta DTP? It barely ever lags in our matches so you're pretty close right?

    But about Ugg, he was a noob back when I met him. he did nothing but bair, shield-grab and dthrow>dsmash with G&W. It's hard to believe that he's so amazing now.
    We both live in B.C but I live in Victoria and he's more inland near the Albertan border. So he's probably as close to you as he is to me.

    I have yet to talk to him again.
    Ugg and I have been playing eachother for about a year now. We always played random with eachother so that's how he knows everyone.

    His DI is incredibly good, it's like Azen DI.:urg:
    It worked sometimes, but when I was squirtle I just hit you back :laugh:

    Ivysaur uair:demon:

    Yes, let's. Btw have you battle'd Ugg lately? He is just to beastly with Diddy.

    I thought that you were trying to mindgame hits after you forward threw.

    More like hella unfair BROKEN range, especially that bair :crying:

    I'll work on my PT more so that one day just maybe, I'll stand a chance. :laugh:
    lol yeah

    I thought that you actually went to the bathroom and Chudat starting playing :laugh: jk your Kirby is totally epic

    So true, Kirby is broken in the sence that his fair and bair have INSANE priority and I just learned that the hard way :laugh:
    GG's :bee:

    I never thought my PT was anything special since I only focus on Squirtle and Ivy so thanks.

    Seriously man, your Kirby is just a monster. I can see you beating a lot of people with him. :)
    I posted a blog about it awhile ago, the article said something about somebody dropping a gun, another kid entirely picked it up, and Dustin got shot in the face with it. Right next door to my house, too. :(

    Aw, sorry about that, man. Is it just a stomach ache or something?
    I've been better. xD

    My uncle died last week, and the funeral was in North Carolina. And Dustin got shot in the face the week before. I'm glad to finally be at home. I also got a really bad haircut on the way back. D:

    What's new with you?
    Yup, they were great matches. Thanks. :p

    Haha, I can't tell. Only you can. ;)

    Good night!
    Lol, nice job. :p

    Haha, Samus is fun.

    Would you be up for more matches? :bee:
    Go pink or go home. :p

    Ah, gotcha. You've been sticking with Peach and Luigi for a long time.

    Good luck, Kirbybrawler. xD
    Lol, you did great. The only thing you failed at was color choice. Yellow?! :p

    Haha. Who exactly DO you main/secondary?
    Haha, very good games. I got some great replays, including that Nana footstool. xD

    Aww, thanks. That's totally a compliment. :bee:

    Ah, gotcha. Lol, you know I don't like FFA's. :p

    That's not the reason I left, by the way. I had to go. Awesome Kirby, though. I just have lots of experience with them.
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