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  • :)
    Thanks I Will. Me and Cherry are going to the Hot Springs today =D
    Can't wait!
    I have no large dogs that could scare her any more, so I'll just push her off of any trampoline. xD
    I'd get my *** beat if I hit her. xD I can only shove her onto innocent doggies. ;-;
    I'll ask her when she gets up. She's asleep. I wouldn't wanna catch her in a bad mood and her say no. XD

    So you still gonna get one? ;-;
    Yeah, it sounds like you learned a lot about the value of currency now. xD I'm hoping she will too.

    I'm still loving these puppy avatars.
    Sorry for the slow reply, I was getting a video for the Mario guide. xD

    Yeah, I care about her. She's just too sensitive, but she'll toughen up when high-school comes around. xD

    No, wait. I think it was the toilet paper commercial. xD

    I can't remember the name. >__<


    I think it's Cottonelle. xD
    *googles basset hounds*

    Hmm, even as adults, they're still cute. xD
    But I think I know why you won't go into details. <.<

    Oh, and your avi reminds me of the puppy from that laundry commercials. xD
    I sure hope so. xD

    Some of our comments are a bit vicious, but she doesn't realize we're kidding. We told her to pull up her shirt because the fat hangs over her belt so you can't see the buckle.

    Which isn't true in the least, but she gets all offended. xD
    Yup. Too bad like 2 weeks later, one of them died. :/

    Exactly. ;D
    They usually stay cute too. Most dogs get hmm....how to say this, get kinda....ugly once they're full grown. >__<
    Haha, yeah. She's 13. She hates me because I pick fun at her. :p

    I'm not used to sensitivity. She lived with my mom for a year and did whatever she wanted, it pretty much ruined her life.

    I called her "Miss Makeup" the other day and she cried.
    I don't like them either, and I feel the same way about the cages thing. :/
    My mom brought it home one day, because she said that she wanted "more life in the house". <.<

    Yup. ;-;
    She keeps saying we'll go get on next week, but we never do. xD
    Hopefully a beagle. >.<
    No offense taken. xD She's kinda... slutty, to be honest. My cousins call her a poser because she got all this 'Fox' stuff, and she doesn't even like motorcross. She's done some horrible stuff in the past, I read her texts one time and she was cybering with a kid from my school. I was pissed.

    Haha, you and Ben's are so cute. ;-; I gotta find a better one.
    I just have one bird that really hates me. I can't get within 5 feet of him or he starts flying and jumping around. ;-;

    I always wanted a cat. Too bad I'm allergic to them. My mom too. <.<


    When pets die, it's just awful.
    She does nothing. xD She's on myspace all day, I hate it.

    She's played Brawl and Melee a few times with me before, but she gets so upset because she can't get the controls right to save her life. xD

    But she's family, and I have to accept that. :D
    Do you have any pets?

    I think you told me before, but I can't seem to remember. xD
    I wish I had at least 1 brother. D:

    Growing up with a sister is worse than no siblings. Especially if you're older. Not only does everything revolve around her, you also have to make sure to scare off all of her boyfriends until she's 29.

    It also sucks she can't write, doesn't read books, doesn't play sports, and she doesn't even play games. I think average intelligence + lack of coordination is the reason why she's so boring. :p

    But she's pretty, and that's about it. xD Which is bad, because that makes my job as a brother harder. She hates me. :p
    Yeah, we named him that because he chewed up everything as a puppy, and slept the entire day away. He was some purebred Dobie with ancestry dating back decades ago, so every member of his family is fancy enough to have the middle name 'Von'.

    Ouch. xD Glad to hear you're fine, I'd hate to have one of those cliche scars across your face every villain has in the movies.

    When I was about 7, I pushed my sister onto our Chow-mix and he snapped at her. Only because she shoved me off the trampoline and my leg got cut up by the metal springs. xD

    I felt worse for Brutus than my sister. D: He looked hurt.
    Yeah, he does look kind of sad.

    I think it's because I touched him the wrong way. He jumped up on the couch, and I guess my hand went on his neck and it freaked him out of something.

    I'm fine. ^^ It wasn't really that bad, he just dug into my shoulders. His name was Ripper. Ripper von Winkle.
    The new avatar's perfect! :D

    He attacked me one night, not really sure why. He lunged at me, latched his paws around my stomach, and ripped my shoulders up pretty good. He snapped a few times, but I never bled until just recently.

    Had to give him up, I don't want a dog that could kill me.
    Yeah from a movie, but it's ok, people from the American continent wouldn't be able to understand what they're saying in the movie anyway.

    So, wassup?
    Yeah, I understand that. xD I'd hate to imagine my puppy running off somewhere and never coming back. D:

    Need some help?

    You could always take him with you. :D

    Unless, of course, you're in an environment where the puppy is not safe.
    Me and Ben decided to try out puppy avatars. xD
    Mine's a little Shiba Inu.
    oh Will is staying with you? Now I'm srs sad. ):

    Uhm yeah ok added heh.

    Oh that'd be awesome then if you tag with brandon.
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