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  • Heheh, I think I've seen you around some FFA's. :laugh: I'd like to get some more Wario experience. Hope to see you around!:bee:
    Technically snake is a man of sealth when it comes to camping. XD (nother bad pun)
    Yeah i dont like oli, annoying camping broken grab range hes so broken
    Lmao I didn't know we were friends. O; wow... Goes to show you I missed a lot of things. XDDD Or don't pay any attention anymore. o; >W< That's my fault.

    So yea sweet dreams you sexy wario. :p Lollll I really really had a great time you keep up the good work. ;'3 I'll try to stay beasty with my marf. XD
    I WAS TRYING TO FIND YOU ON HERE! XD I was like. "Crap.. -searches page searches- COULDN'T FIND YOU! XD Then you posted I was like. "o.o; oh their! XD "

    But any who back on subject. Your wario My fingers were swelling up with my marthy. o;.. I was like. "I WANT TO DESTROY THAT WARIO!" XD so yeah... I couldn't get you to well You ***** me well for the last two parts. >W< And then lag was not letting my controllers do what I wanted to do and I was like. "bah.. o;"

    So I will say you play very well, I hate snake though. His bombs, I don't mind if other folks play it. Fun to do random stuff with Snake, but not one of my fav characters, I main marth as you can see my marth can be very deadly without any glitches . So if you notice me stand around for a second or so you can tell that lag was eating my controller. o; (Gamecube controller XD ) I never use a wii nun chucks Thoes are for chuck Norris. XD

    You played really well I must admit I laughed so much when we had fun and epic random moments. I didn't think most of them I would be able to defeat you or none of that, You don't suck at all so be sure to remember you never suck. ;'3

    As for wario game skills. I'm not going to ever say anything rude cause I'm not that type. o;, but I will say less smashing in the end more gameplay until someone dies. :'3 I'll even chill out with the smashing if I have to. o; Cause that's just not to cool.

    OH YEAH IF I EVER SEE YOU WITH A RED MARF I AM GOING AFTER YOUR SOUL! :p XDDDDDDD ( I like other color marfs but red marfs is my rival here on SWF XD )

    I'm in a group of course called Marth unite. <--- I probably spelld that last part wrong...

    Well forgive me if my post here got confused just do your best to understand what I'm saying. None of this is ever bad words, so I like our brawling games I want to brawl you again sometime soon. XD Forgive me if I seemed pissed off at the end of the game I wanted to beat you. XDDD I never enjoy my marth falling. XD

    (Lmao at that snake hitting marf and then. "OVER 9000!" Logs off. ) XD

    Add me as a friend if you want as well. ;'3 I'll be sure to do the same.

    Edit: btw as you can tell english is not my best language, I sort of suck at it. XD
    I understand. I am exhausted.
    I left because I am going o sleep, and because I hate that sort of lag.
    It screws with my Peach because I can't ground float.
    Did you notice me "shielding" at all in our matches? It is horrible. I am left so open. Haha.
    I like your Wario, and Sonic. Your Falco lacked creativity, but he was still effective, and you execute his attacks almost perfectly.
    Your Wario is strong when it comes to being on stage. But your recovery with him needs some work. Although, I am almost 90% sure it was lag that did that. Haha.

    But I like playing your Sonic a lot. Thanks for the matches.
    No problemo. And give me good critique. Haha
    Also, if lag is bad, I will just end it ok? No hard feelings.
    sorry but this is gonna be a bit of a long post but....
    Empire supper
    Looney supper
    Captian America supper
    and finally Retro game supper
    I know many people with more than me, im not even really looking to go that high >__>
    999 tops.
    I'm SO sorry. :( I feel awful...this means I owe you a sig. Hold that to me. Neon Ness will be taking care of your ava.

    Once again, I'm VERY sorry. *bow*
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