Thanks for the invitation and input! I think it's safe to say I could make it. I'll confirm with you once all the little details have been squared away and it's ready to go.
And thank you for your kind regards! It all comes down to your values, and I've just found it's much easier for me to have a good time when you make fun your ultimate goal instead of winning. Of course, we all play for our own reasons; can't do much about that!
As for Melee, I certainly can't deny all the wonderful time I spent playing that little gem! It'd be a crime to do that. I feel a tad bit enlightened; I think I might go bust it out later tonight. Heh, should be interesting!
And nope, not many of my friends are smashers, unfortunately. When I want to play a good fighting/brawling game, it's usually just me and the computer! Which, in fact, is largely why I came here: to find folks to play with!