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  • panda.besar

    and we'll always remember jebus as the top ruleset troll of all time
    lol I think it's mainly Auspher and his strange obsession with Wolf dominating Fox in ways that I'd rather not talk about... :urg:
    I can work with that. Shoot, by that time mark the new Smash should be out as well. Everything is looking up so far.

    Maybe our characters will be as dominate like they were in Melee. >=) I miss Peaches broken a-- Dsmash. XD
    At least Rosalina was somewhat competent with her/his logic and tried to get involved instead of making a fool out of herself/himself.
    I don't want to know. If he's not trolling, then he needs to either post better contents or leave. He's easily the worst member of the SSB4 discussion.
    even I've been trying to remain as unbiased as possible...

    I can sense butthurt mewtwo fanboy from some of them tho.
    especially the part where he said that we haven't put up an argument and all evidence is against us.
    the sad part is that it's not trolling.

    now I see why people hate the smash community
    there are no lucarios in the SE. they're all garbage. esecially the FL lucarios

    and lol at refugee

    IT'S DAT *** I SWEAR

    foxes are all furries too.

    if you're not a furry, definitely.

    but it's lame, I liked/mained lucario before I was a furry
    I'm a furry. but some things are just disgusting.

    Lucario is the ***** of the internet. everything has ***** him.

    everything ;_;
    nah because then he would call me mad...

    but srsly some people like live under a rock :I

    have you SEEN the surge in furries since lucario existed?
    rly mad. he expects me to have like proof that lucario is more popular than mewtwo... maybe I should tell him to actually go inside the elementary school he probably lurks outside while fapping and ask people. :3
    it's what happens when you get 3 nipple rings bro.

    threeeee riiiiiinnnnngs nipple circus
    I mean I don't think results are 100% of everything... if I did I'd be putting marth with lucario/ZSS/GW lol
    : I

    my tier list looked like this

    ****ty characters
    Lol. I dunno, if it were a tourney or MM I'd definitely agree. Still, I'm definitely gonna ask them to take a look at that one and some others. On another note, that Marth vs Fox match was hilarious. I've yet to bet your Fox with Marth ever. Next time!
    Yo man, it's all good just take your time. Thanks for putting those vids up! Yesterday was hella fun!
    Alright count me in, and I want to honor God w/ my skill so yeah I'm serious too. Let's get power ranked! Also, yeah there's another guy that goes to my school who gets like 3rd @ the GT tourneys under Micalis & 4God--he uses g&W and he's pretty good, and since he found out a tactic I helped him w/ he should beat them now, lol.
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