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  • Hey Chris is actually getting better. He doesn't agree with anyone, he does not post unnecessary pictures. Good job
    straight comedy. I know for damn sure his mama warned him about getting his face stuck that way if he made it too often. (He gets greyer day by day because he can't go out lol)
    You don't understand. He's posted on EVERYONE else's profile.
    little d!ck just tried to add me. LOL
    You guys should have said

    "We play Smash for fun. Don't like Smash? GTFO."

    Yeah, I saw them go through the clouds (They're hidden behind our posts LITERALLY meaning there are ponies behind every post in Smashboards Lol).

    Willis. What's with his icon? Smoke now some deranged Toon Link thing
    TBH, I've only watched a couple of vids explaining and such but the problem is I don't know where to start or even know how to organize the files properly on the SD card, I need step by step written instructions.

    Also, I like the way you added that Budokai Tenkaichi 2 theme on your video.
    Wow what? For real?

    Aww dood, I feel so loved. <3 Seriously though, i'm just a lurker on that thread, I don't even talk to the dood, but that guy gives me a damn headache just seeing his post. .-.

    Man, word cannot describe how jealous I am that you live next to smokin sweet asian girl like that. >w>
    Well damn... I think it's time for me to hit up a tournament in GA lol. Can you or this cute asian girl house me? :awesome:
    Blame the jiggly boards! One bronie says the word, and the rest follow in to raid. Its like pony military headquarters!

    But i'd take a swarm of bronies over one smashchu anyday .-.

    i didn't forget about watching your videos, i'll get back to you on them probably by tomorrow or saturday
    I'm just as bad as you avoiding Chu. It's basically that we disagree with it so strongly that we can't but help respond to it.
    Is that from safest to riskiest?

    If I didn't mention it before, be on the look out for Street Fighter X Tekken if you want to get more experience with fighting games. It's looking to be fantastic.
    If you're going to mis-space a move, make sure to consider the risk and reward of doing such. One other thing to do would be to do something like a short-hop+air dodge or some other jump to disrupt the flow.
    Well, here's what I would do, but since I'm not a competitive Smash player (yet), I can only tell you so much. What I think you should do is play a shoot and run game with Fox. Stay just out of your opponent's range and keep spamming lasers. Do it right, and your opponent will get angry and try to get closer to you. This is when you can start pummeling them. Until they lose a life, stay on top on them, never letting them go.

    Essentially, make him come to you, and make him regret it. That being said, Fox is a versatile character so switch around to keep things fresh and make yourself unpredictable. Don't be afraid to take risks, but don't be stupid about it. If you can, make your opponent frustrated. The moment that happens, you've effectively won.
    Hey, you seems to know about cosmetic hacks right? How do I download to make it happen? Do I need the Homebrew channel? Gecko?
    Because there are better options than d-tilt. I use it for some reason in melee an yes. There was one point when I tried out Fox. He was too technical for me. He was tooo hard to master
    Lol. His lasers shold be removed. His new neutral B is u-smash. His u-smash is lasers

    I'm getting 2 visitor messages from you and omega.
    Honest face: Make MK kill enemies at 200% only.

    :troll: Nooooooo. Snake needs moar awesome attacks. Fox needs to be lighter than Kirby just like how he was in the PAL version of melee
    Make it take 16 frames and make it damage 1 - 5% with high knockback :troll:

    Snake's f-tilt pop up at 1 frame and his f-smash at 4 frames
    I wonder if there gonna change some element in Fox's moveset in Smash 4.

    (Please change U-smash :awesome:)
    I've noticed something about Fox...

    All of his specials remain the same. I mean, the uses of it are the same until now. Reflector is used for shine spiking, shine combos. Lasers are used for racking up damage or camping.
    It's there fault for not going for the kill. They're probably overwhelmed by your kill.

    Oh great, not another u-smash tech >_>'
    Usually Jigglypuff beats Fox's aerials, but in that video, my fair was beat by uair, my dair was beat by fair.

    Jigglypuff is not afraid of your aerials, since most of the time her aerials will win, and she can SDI out in 1-2 hits on reaction if the player isn't caught off guard. Uair and bair spaced well can be scary, but it's difficult to actually land.

    Jigglypuff is susceptible to out of shield attacks that have range, but I'm not sure if Fox has anything other than usmash or maybe utilt. I think Fox can grab release to uair, too.
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