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C.S. Dinah
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  • Kayyy. Actually, while I'm VM'ing...

    Where we starting?
    What's your CP?
    Who hosts?

    Just so we don't have to go through this later.

    Lol yeah maybe i should cheer up

    We talk too much lol but Dinah is just too cool xD
    I tend to be random depending on the lag level Jab > Grab, Jab > Utilt Jab >Jab > Ftilt or for edgehogs Jab > Dtilt meteor smash ftw..

    And stop being so modest your peach is the best peach i've ever played you really should hear this more
    Its my curse alone and i must bear with this burden...v_v

    TRANSLATION: Yeah it sucks doesn't it? :p
    If your good online then your good offline it really makes no difference to me if you learn the game and the opponent online then your just as legit as a offline only player
    No no it's ok dinah your good i just like fighting you is all when we brawl i do it for fun and it always is fun so you don't need to say it was johning it doesn't matter just as long as we're cool with each other >_>

    Ty your peach is just too great
    It was not a question.

    Jab combos to w/e help with the grab game. And for my dash dancing, I do it to confuse the enemy. Ican't tell when I will go in or attack. This creates openings. And I tend to use alot of tunrips as well as spaced Dtilts.
    Thats cause you are always in the air and dont work on how to fight on the ground. You see how I fight on the ground.
    You like tha air alot. You need to get a ground game. And ten to approach alot from the air. You usually some at me the same time and dont mix it up.
    oooh btw Dinah ;o

    Any advice to my Peach? It may have been wifi but i was having alot of fun with Peach ;D
    On for the rest of the night.

    VM me when you're here and if you can get on the xat. If not, I'll get a match set up immediately.
    I don't remember him throwing any bombs at me :confused:

    and my ike is pshaw he needs more training is all then he'll be great like you and your Peachmon
    Sorry i left out details I did it with ike WITH :ike: DINAH! of course your peach is Bad@$$ it's so hard to even get close to you with that acursed turnip veil around you and maybe it's just chance that he gets a bomb on you so often or....maybe it's HAX!!!
    I think your peach is 10x's better i brawled him today and 3 stocked his peach something i can never dream of doing to yours

    Dinah is great
    Did i hear that correctly Dinah that goofballs peach is definetely better than yours you say???

    and yes your sig is very holy indeed
    lol xD -saved that one replay- ;3

    That was just too funny. Man though some of those Peach/ZSS were great ;o (me-peach you-ZSS and vice versa)

    Jigglz ;3
    Really? Lucky. Mine still blocked websites, even if we tried to use google. lol. I once tried to get on here, but it wouldn't let me -_-...
    lol. Well, last I checked, my school hadn't blocked the Balanced Brawl Dojo, or the Brawl+ website. They didn't even block most anime websites. I laughed. My school's dumb too @__@.
    So, does the reader go into a USB port? Looks like I'll have to make a return trip to Wal-Mart, lol. Thanks so much for the info ^__^!!!!! Is it the same process for downloading texture hacks?
    I need a Card reader then....... It can't be the SD cards, because I tried two different ones and it did the same thing. Is a Card Reader hardware, or software?
    Nope, I can't :(. I don't even know what a Combo Drive is either, but that's what my laptop says it is. Maybe my laptop can't read it. Are laptops even designed to read SD cards?

    And, it's not reading the SD card as a removable disc. It only does that for my USB's -_-... Where do you insert an SD card in your laptop?
    Well, my computer refers to it as a "Combo_Drive" when I look under "Devices and Printers". Does it help if you know I'm using Windows 7? Can laptops even read SD cards?
    Lucky. If I tried to download it at school, I would've gotten a referal, lol. My computer teacher is a MASTER at it. He can lock the computers in a split second, even take control of ours!

    Anyways, I'm having trouble accessing my SD card when I insert it into my computer. Help?
    Blegh, fail. Yeah, I meant Rosalina. She looks awesome, by the way.

    Hey, have you ever downloaded Balanced Brawl before?
    That's good then. Just don forget to friendly your fellow HORs once and a while...

    Speaking of HOR *goes to post*
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