Why have you forsaken me?!
Srsly tho we outta "hang out" soon.
We can eat "funyuns" and play "smash." (knowing you you prolly acted out the air quotes in your head while reading that)
It would be like old tymes. Ye olde tymes where I's were replaced with Y's and everything had an E at the end of ite.
Do you add an extra period to the end of acronyms or abbreviations with periods in it? Like if I was to end a sentence with etc.. Isn't that kinda awkward and wasteful question mark.
Now typing out the word question mark is wasteful, there's no doubt about that, not for one second, no sir, not even a tiny bit, you GOT IT RIGHT there good friend RIGHT ON THE MONEY, HIGH FIVE WOOO!
I suppose that's enough babbling for now. (btw that was creepy italics not thoughtful italics, and yes the period is not italicized)