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Official Stage Legality Discussion

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Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
Those other stages would be the custom stages he's running in the circuit.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Those other stages would be the custom stages he's running in the circuit.
Ah. I never pay attention to Overswarm, so I wouldn't know.

His idea is good with the exception of the "Prove to me" section. There's far too much personal bias involved; but then, a certain amount is guaranteed in these situations.

To be frank, if I were in a position to enter those circuit events I'd rather have the broken stages legal to abuse rather than have them banned and be right.


Smash Rookie
Nov 18, 2009
La Crosse, WI

It would be cool if people would post videos demonstrating why they argue that all the banned or counter/banned (or other) stages should be considered broken. Videos allow us to either find holes in "game-breaking tactics", or stand as a testament to newcomers as to why the stage should be banned.
I agree. Some stages i can see why they are banned but other... not so much.
I video demonstration would be good.


Smash Journeyman
May 30, 2008
can sum1 explain me why norfair , luigis mansion and greens are banned with reasons obviously lol xD


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Wario has an extremely large advantage on Norfair. He can jump from top platforms back and forth with ease, making chasing him an incredibly hard task. You'd need a lingering projectile to beat his air dodge.

Mansion has the cave of life, and it's not as simple as "Break the house" because your opponent can just defend the pillars. There's also a lot of bs with teching or missing techs on the ceiling.

Green Greens is banned for multiple reasons. Apparently it's MK's best stage for under-the-stage planking. The blocks fall down at a rate of, I think, 3 every other second. The bomb glitch has yet to be easily recreated, and the only way to find out that it's activated is for something to randomly blow up. As well, camping behind the walls is extremely effective with the right pressuring tools.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Little notice to TOs: As long as your stage list doesn't have these, I will be there:

Shadow Moses
Bridge of Eldin
New Pork
Flat Zone
Spear Pillar
Mushroomy 1-2
Mario Bros
Excellent list. I agree 100% and see no other additions necessary.

However, to clarify, what is wrong with Hanenbow?


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Hanenbow does indeed have an issue with circling (looking at you, Wario and Jiggs!)

Take the upper platforms of Norfair but add more rest stops, hurtboxed platforms, no interfering hazards, and you get Hanenbow. It comes down to whoever has the faster aerial speed unless you can keep the lead throughout the entire match.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
I would go to a tournament with 75m or Flat Zone 2 legal on the probably correct bet that I would be the only person there who knew how to play those stages. Granted, I might also be the only person there...

Norfair isn't banned in my region and shouldn't be banned. It's a perfectly fair stage.

Luigi's Mansion isn't banned everywhere, and I think it's a good example of a fair stage with a high learning curve and a ton of stage specific tactics. The thing is, if your opponent is defending the pillars, they aren't running away or camping the best defensive positions. They have to choose between the "broken" advantages at the moment or preserving the existence of such advantages while giving them up at the moment. Granted, the stage specific tactics are very strong; you really have to be patient/smart to deal with someone like Olimar here who is going for usmash chains against the ceiling. So I would personally argue this stage should be legal, but most people don't want to deal with things like that is why it is banned in most regions.

Green Greens is funky because the reason most people think it is broken (the "walls" + King Dedede) doesn't hold up at all for two reasons. The first is that, while it does enhance his chaingrabbing game some (though it's really not to a broken extent), it isn't going to work out very well for him against characters he can't chaingrab. Mr. Game & Watch in particular I'm quite sure is going to annihilate him here, and he really doesn't want to fight Fox or Falco here. Really, the only character in the lighest 1/3 of the cast I can imagine having DDD trouble on Green Greens is Jigglypuff, and we all know her tier position so that's really not a big worry. The point of that statement is that this stage is probably a pretty bad King Dedede counterpick because it's too easy to pick other characters to turn the tables on him and make it so he's counterpicking himself if he stays King Dedede. On the other hand, certain types of camping are indeed pretty dumb here; I know Mr. Game & Watch's run-away game is pretty ridiculous here from experience, and the stage is also generally Snake's playground. I'm not convinced it's broken; my experiences generally suggest to me that it's a very strong counterpick that is not broken but close to the limit of as unfair of a counterpick as we should be willing to accept. Saying that and seeing how much some people want to ban, I can see why this stage is having trouble making it on stage lists anywhere these days...


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Hanenbow does indeed have an issue with circling (looking at you, Wario and Jiggs!)

Take the upper platforms of Norfair but add more rest stops, hurtboxed platforms, no interfering hazards, and you get Hanenbow. It comes down to whoever has the faster aerial speed unless you can keep the lead throughout the entire match.
Gotcha. I am trying to wrap my noggin around which characters are 100 percent unable to defeat the circle abuse... Snake could, that's 1, lol... Falco/Fox? maybe... uh... samus perhaps... a small list no doubt, Marth's screwed... heh... there's so many characters in brawl, they're all starting to coalesce. Basically, short ranged/non-projectile/non-aerial characters get screwed here because they can't defeat the circle stall. I am gonna have to test this, methinks, I have never been one to circle stall, but this gives me an excuse to play around on one of the stranger stages.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
So how many of you want to help me win a $50 MM with a D3 Vs. my Sonic on Onett to prove that it is a perfectly legal stage?

At least wish me luck if you don't/can't post. :<


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Wario has an extremely large advantage on Norfair. He can jump from top platforms back and forth with ease, making chasing him an incredibly hard task. You'd need a lingering projectile to beat his air dodge.

Mansion has the cave of life, and it's not as simple as "Break the house" because your opponent can just defend the pillars. There's also a lot of bs with teching or missing techs on the ceiling.

Green Greens is banned for multiple reasons. Apparently it's MK's best stage for under-the-stage planking. The blocks fall down at a rate of, I think, 3 every other second. The bomb glitch has yet to be easily recreated, and the only way to find out that it's activated is for something to randomly blow up. As well, camping behind the walls is extremely effective with the right pressuring tools.
Do you actually believe these things?

You're the first person in a while I've heard bring Wario up as breaking Norfair. New York seems to think it's Pikachu :psycho: many ppl say MK, although Vex says MK:Bowser is 50:50 there, and I think AA has said that it's a great G&W stage (?).

Mansion has a lot of stage-specific tactics, none of which I've ever seen break a fight between decent players, though please direct me if I'm wrong..... the fact that some ppl think the stages is broken because of Donkey Kong makes me lol.

Green Greens isn't banned in a few regions. Heck, there's a tournament in west NY in a couple weekends that has Norfair and Luigi's Mansion banned, but GreenGreens is counterpick.


Smash Journeyman
May 30, 2008
amapharos can you giv me more reason on why norfair shouldnt be banned, me and sum friend host a tourney , i dont want to remove norfair , but excesive plankin can happen in here.

And greens greens im planin on removing it kause of the wall infinite hehe, and Luigis mansion well i like this stage i mean you can survive in here even against an olimar :p


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
except that's absolutely not true... it gives metaknight MORE options to approach than ganondorf, which means overall the situation is skewed even further in MK's favour... basically, assume G-dorf is actually in the lead... then look at the positions on norfair - oh wow! there's way more options for MK to approach now!..

not to mention the lava will force gannon into a spot at the same rate as mk, which means MK will still have more options (because he's a better character), which means the lava stopping the "stalling" is moot


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
except that's absolutely not true... it gives metaknight MORE options to approach than ganondorf, which means overall the situation is skewed even further in MK's favour... basically, assume G-dorf is actually in the lead... then look at the positions on norfair - oh wow! there's way more options for MK to approach now!..
So you're saying it's not true that planking is less effective on Norfair... because Metaknight has more options to approach.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
St. Louis, MO
except that's absolutely not true... it gives metaknight MORE options to approach than ganondorf, which means overall the situation is skewed even further in MK's favour... basically, assume G-dorf is actually in the lead... then look at the positions on norfair - oh wow! there's way more options for MK to approach now!..

not to mention the lava will force gannon into a spot at the same rate as mk, which means MK will still have more options (because he's a better character), which means the lava stopping the "stalling" is moot
So... MK has more options that Ganon... because of the stage? Good thing Ganon has the advantage against MK on other stages, where MK has no approach options against him.



Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
So you're saying it's not true that planking is less effective on Norfair... because Metaknight has more options to approach.

Good one.

Yeah, planking is a defensive strategy, and works well on stages like FD, but on norfair, it's not quite nullified, but its easier to pressure a planker on, because you aren't forced to come at the planker from ... the plat they're planking on.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
seriously? you guys are missing the point... planking works because of the lack of approach options right? well, there are even LESS options to approach on norfair, it's just because not all of the options are "get back to the ledge" since you can aggressively approach the opponent safely that you aren't labeling it as "planking", but I would personally still call it planking because you're abusing the ledges large sweetspot and invincibility to increase your "safe" options"

as soon as gannon gets into a spot where he might be able to approach with an attack, MK can re-position himself so that there are no longer any safe options... give the MK player some credit...


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
as soon as gannon gets into a spot where he might be able to approach with an attack, MK can re-position himself so that there are no longer any safe options... give the MK player some credit...
A situation where I can position myself to chase Metaknight around is infinitely superior to a situation where I can do nothing but eat uairs until the time runs out.


Smash Hero
Aug 9, 2007
Las Vegas
So how many of you want to help me win a $50 MM with a D3 Vs. my Sonic on Onett to prove that it is a perfectly legal stage?

At least wish me luck if you don't/can't post. :<
You're not moneymatching on Onett for $50. >=O

Also we need more Mario Bros. discussion. It's totally fair. It's impossible to plank there.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
A situation where I can position myself to chase Metaknight around is infinitely superior to a situation where I can do nothing but eat uairs until the time runs out.
you will _never_ get there... i would rather be on FD


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I still don't understand why people haven't figured out "run up, powershield, ledge grab, **** MK" works. If you try to plank Marth, he can literally powershield your u-air out of a dash, grab the ledge, drop down, footstool to dair. At higher %, you die. At lower %, he has to wait for you to recover and gets to hit you out of it if he is on the ball. If you run up and miss the powershield, simply wait for your shield to recharge and try again. This works with almost every character in the game. You are invincible with MK below you.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
You're not moneymatching on Onett for $50. >=O
Oh yes I am. I see no reason why the stage shouldn't be here unless you got a community like Vegassmash that closes your thread, is unclear of the reasons for it/downright wrong about it, and gets the message all incorrect. I'd do something about it but I figure that by this point I should stop trying to change the masses and worry about myself and anybody else who wants to follow suit (Tails).

They'd probably just a bigger mess about it anyway. Now I'm legit mad. @#$%ing internet, why must you distort everything?!


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
Buhl, Idaho
Why isn't there a master stage list for characters? As in:

Stage name:
Characters this stage works for:
Characters this stage works against:

I mean, every character discussion has stages that work for or against each character but why isn't there a good reference list?


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2009
i <3 norfair
its great 4 link and just looks k0ol.
other then that the everyday FD, BF and and SV r good


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
I still don't understand why people haven't figured out "run up, powershield, ledge grab, **** MK" works. If you try to plank Marth, he can literally powershield your u-air out of a dash, grab the ledge, drop down, footstool to dair. At higher %, you die. At lower %, he has to wait for you to recover and gets to hit you out of it if he is on the ball. If you run up and miss the powershield, simply wait for your shield to recharge and try again. This works with almost every character in the game. You are invincible with MK below you.
MK isn't going to let Marth grab the ledge and then footstool him. He can just Up-B if Marth grabs the ledge. It takes a little while for Marth to grab the ledge and then footstool, so do you think MK is just going to jump around and let Marth have his way with him or what?

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
The Meta Knight players I know ban Norfair against me, and while I've seen Meta Knight pull some stuff on ledges before, I've never seen him be even a little successful with it on Norfair. I'm pretty thoroughly convinced that Norfair is a terrible stage for ledgestalling and overall probably not especially good for Meta Knight when averaged across all matchups. Sure it's going to help him against really grounded characters like Falco or Ice Climbers, but against guys like Mr. Game & Watch, Wario, or Jigglypuff, Meta Knight is definitely not wanting to see Norfair. I'm of course, also convinced, that Norfair is a very fair stage and an excellent counterpick stage.

Also, some of the recent posts have been pretty bad. If you have something to say, back it up. It's not significant to anyone if you happen to like or dislike some stage if that's all you have to say...
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