i meant are diddy and snake good to use as secondaries norad..
thx for the tips!
one more tip
the only HUMAN i can practice against is my little brother, but he has downssyndrome (mental retardations)
walks rught up to me, wont stick with 1 character AT ALL, and just sets me up to kill him practically, hwo can i train?
(i have a laggy wifi connection, but nobody to play, plus its laggy)
Where do you live, I am assuming not NY, flordia, or CA, any of those places tournies are a dime a dozen.
Also tournies last all day ALL day, I kid you not I would not have my parents waiting around for me, quick solution is find a friend that can drive that plays the game and make him come along...I would say get a ride from someone you know from tournies but odds are your not an adult thus yeah... thats not going to fly plus you havn't been to many tournies. Solution #2 depending on where you live or whatever, you could see if your neighboorhood/apartment area or whatever has a local place you can rent out on the cheaps(unlikely) or if there is a hobby store or something nearby willing to host it...unlikely unless your on good terms with them already. Seriously if you can't go to tournies bring the tourney to you. Also it would be important to make sure your state has a scene first haha.
In all honesty wait to take smash competitively until the next one comes out.
Brawl online is laggy for everyone who doesn't have fiber so yeah. In the mean time may I suggest learning other fighters, Blazblue(360/PS3),SFIV(360,PS3,PC),Tekken 6(360/PS3) are all popular online right now...and the netplay is leagues better for those games.
Personal recommendations would also be touhou 12.3(PC) (sometimes called SWRS or hitousensoku), and the GGPO network(PC) *ITS FREE online emulation of classic fighters and I would recommend everyone play this as traditional fighter thinking helps even in brawl. Also the netcode is considered the best ever written so :D.