Did I say that? I recall your 'guys what the hell?' post was because you were answering Ryu. Yet... 'guys' don't refer to him right? That's my point.
I referred to everyone that was giving Ryu ****. At the time it was Ashemu and No Lynch. More so No Lynch than anything since he should know Ryu better by now (and it showed that he indeed does later on).
I don't believe you. I think I did enough to garner a read and it's your fault for not being more clear. I didn't just give questions, and I"m sure you could see the colors that I posted in analyzing soup at the time. This strengthens my read on you that you don't care to read people, and using that you tune me out in rvs as an excuse for not looking at my whole play. I'll drop this minor subpoint if you can prove that you have stated this elsewhere. (and I beg you not ignore me as I don't just ask questions, I think I have improved enough to deserve the chance of being read and I don't think you can deny that fact)
I referred to people that I thought were active at the time, and I simply ignored you because that's what I do to early game Ranmaru. I'm not trying to be offensive, but it's true. I'm in the same boat as Soup that I think the amount of questions you ask are annoying, you tend to over analyze every word of someone's post (in RVS more-so than other parts of the game), and I don't waste time reading them in the RVS stage of the game because I despise RVS in general. It's not like I literally didn't see that you posted something, it's that I saw your name, said "Oh, it's Ranmaru jumping on NL via over analyzing." and skimmed over it. I just don't pay attention to you until we get past RVS and your cases have actual information on them that I can at least slightly understand. Sorry. Also, yes, this means I feel that your RVS posts were all 100% null because you literally do this in every single game in the exact same way.
Off topic, but you can keep this as a reference for anything regarding me and RVS: I honestly don't like RVS in general (I have stated this in different games, but idk where), and I ignore people that make RVS a chore if I can't get away with ignoring RVS altogether. I gain absolutely nothing from RVS and I usually just make jokes the whole time and when I do that it ends up making me have a huge delayed start in the game because I end up making jokes for too long and have an issue catching up. Having this in mind, why would I even slightly pay attention to someone over-analyzing RVS posts and trying to call people scum over them? I agree that you have improved, but I'm not going to read you over-analyze Soup in RVS because of it. Sorry.
No, my point still stands. If you were proactive, you'd unvote Ryu and have voted me straight after. You were just too comfortable to do anything about it. You even admit that you were just 'waiting' for me. You re-posted the reasoning but not to prod me into answering, but to answer a question related to me. Again, you were being reactive. You were even caught up in thread liking recent posts but you didn't post until I talked about you. The only thing you posted about me was this:
Which shows you are asking for everyone's opinions on me and not trying to convince them that I'm scum. It allows you to simply ask that question and go back in the shadows (active lurking). You haven't asked me questions about my play neither, you just somehow expected me to respond to you to solve your qualms. You say that you didn't directly prod me into your argument, but even after that you still didn't say so until I voted you. Your only lead is me as well. This makes sense when you are doing basically nothing. You are doing nothing else but waiting for me, and while waiting you didn't do much but ask "what's up with ran guys?" when you need not have asked. Are you saying it's my fault that you aren't doing anything in thread?
First off, I hadn't voted you in the first place because there were enough votes to put you at L-2, which is not something I need to do. After stating my vote is literally on you aside from that, I have no reason to go out of my way to literally put the vote on you if my opinion on you hasn't changed (which it clearly hadn't (and still hasn't)). It's literally a logistical thing that I have no reason to go through. The only reason I did was because Macman told me to, and since I had someone I'd put the vote, I had no reason to be like "lolno".
How is it me "somehow expecting you to respond to me" when I present information regarding why I dislike you and you literally respond to everyone else posting things regarding your play except for me? Especially knowing you as a player, you're the type of person to defend yourself right away from any and all pressure regarding your slot, which usually makes you really easy to read. Why on earth would I NOT expect you to respond to me? If I post the reasoning once, I'd expect a response. If I somehow don't post a response, I figured you missed it and post it out there again to see if you missed it or if you just ignored it. You ignored it, and I don't see why you would ignore my post with or without prodding considering how you respond to everything else.
See, this is why I think you are scum. You are only talking about my reasoning for re-voting No Lynch, but not the original reasoning. You only care to paint me as scum, instead of actually consider the reasoning. It's right in the first sentence. Tell me what you think "I'm not relieved by your responses" may mean and what context it would refer to. Don't tell me "Oh I filter you out during RVS" because you have no excuse.
No Lynch calls you out for over analyzing in RVS because you state that his WATT feeling is more than it really is, and I agree with him 100%. You vote him because you disagree with his opinion on what WATT had done in the game and that he didn't respond to what WATT said regarding Gheb/Mac or something like that. Of course No Lynch isn't going to respond to every little thing when he just has a slight ill feeling towards a slot (especially if he's just trying to get a feel of the slot). Why would someone HAVE to respond to everything regarding RVS if it's just a slot?
I don't care for your RVS push on No Lynch. The fact that you pushed No Lynch (mostly Soup) for yelling at you when you over-analyze his RVS play because you're not satisfied with his response and then say that he's done it as scum before literally blows my mind, and regardless of what you said in RVS (which I still find 100% null), this is what bothers me about your slot regarding No Lynch.
The only other substantial thing you had given was this (earlier in the game). It's also odd that you chose to ignore my posts even when seeing that I voted for No Lynch. It shows you aren't being attentive enough. Even if you truly avoid my questions, you couldn't simply avoid my assertions and votes. Your only point towards Ashemu, you don't even care to show to town and Moira has to prod you into doing it. This shows you don't have any pro-town intent, and you are only being reactive.
I'll admit 100% I'm not being attentive. I've started taking medication that has made my sleep go to ****, so I will miss a lot of things. The biggest example would be Macman asking me for thoughts with my name clearly labeled at the beginning of a paragraph and I simply missed it completely. If I do miss something, please tell me.
I posted about it not because Moira asked, but because Ashemu joined the wagon with reasoning, which completely nullified my point. I stated this later on, but the point became 100% void after Ashemu didn't use that part of the post to pointlessly join the NL wagon. She had legitimate reasoning for being on the wagon, so I had no reason to suspect the slot.
On the other hand. I didn't miss anything regarding your slot. I kinda... looked over it completely...
I really feel like a **** about this, because I didn't actually realize I did this until you brought it up. I'm sorry. You can press me about it, and I'll respond, but I do want to apologize in a completely non-ingame related thing. You have improved a lot as a player and I should read your posts more, regardless of how much I don't like RVS. I really am sorry and hope you can forgive me in an out of game perspective.