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Zero Suit Samus Jigglypuff Matchup


Smash Hero
May 23, 2008
Discovered: Sending Napalm
Hey, I was wondering if anyone here has played a good Jigglypuff and could help me on the Zero Suit Samus part of my guide. I am currently making a guide for Jigglypuff (I am updating the gameplay videos section, its pretty weak right now) and I really have nothing for the Zero Suit Samus matchup. I was wondering if someone could help me in the writing of this matchup, you will be credited for this.

If you would like to see the guide: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=199581

Thanks for your help and thanks DeliciousCake for pointing me here.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
I told him to post this thread guys. I haven't said anything about matchup threads in the past.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
Sorry, I can't really help, I don't know a good Jigglypuff

From a pure theory point of view, ZSS has the advantage. She is quite fast in the air and has good reach in the air as well. The WOP won't work on ZSS cuz she can down-B out of it.


Mar 16, 2007
I just wanted to see what Cake would say. :p Now that Cake has posted, I'll give my impression. There's a disproportionate number of Jigglies here in NC, so I've had my fair share of encounters with them.

Jigglypuff has a lot of trouble approaching ZSS. The latter has good range on her aerials, good projectiles and good counters to Jiggs' aerial shield pressure game. Jigglypuff will also find Rollout to be very frustrating against ZSS, as it is easily stopped up by stun attacks, Plasma Whip and bairs. The usual tricks of aerial camping just out of ZSS's range won't work, because that means being at a completely unthreatening distance.

Your best approach against ZSS is probably a FJ or DJ FF autocanceled dair, but even that's risky because it telegraphs itself, and can be countered by a sufficiently defensive ZSS. You might also try Pound for its higher priority. FJ FF nair may also be a good idea, although I've never seen it implemented. Once you're in, keep the pressure, but be prepared for escape Flip Jumps, nairs and uairs. Do everything in your power to get ZSS above you, but even if she's above you stay wary that she can always use a dair, although she'll be leery of it. The main idea is don't get too complacent just because you have a positional advantage.

Jiggs is actually one of the few characters who is decently equiped to properly gimp ZSS. Get below her and be prepare to react. Generally, you'll be using Pound here. If Flip Jumps, try to be in a position to rising Pound her. I believe you should be able to hit her out of her kick, although you shouldn't quote me on that. Definitely be ready to pressure her off the stage, though, in general. Your process should be: Punish her second jump (she'll probably use an UpB boost), then punish her Flip Jump, then edgehog. It will be tough, and a smart ZSS will be able to keep you guessing, but with Jiggs, you have a much better chance than with most other characters.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2008
Somewhere beyond the sea...
so what about zss' strat against jiggs? the only advice i got was from a thread that snakeee made that only had one sentence saying that u have more priority than her. that's it. fighting jiggs is boring for me anyway. neither of us ever hit each other and when she does rollout all i have to do is use my high jump to wait till it stops.


Mar 16, 2007
so what about zss' strat against jiggs? the only advice i got was from a thread that snakeee made that only had one sentence saying that u have more priority than her. that's it. fighting jiggs is boring for me anyway. neither of us ever hit each other and when she does rollout all i have to do is use my high jump to wait till it stops.
You can probably just play the way you normally play. If she goes in the air, draw her above you, then usmash if she's directly above you, and shield if she's in your blindspot. If she hits your shield, go for uair or utilt oos. Make sure she stays above you or to your side. If they use Rollout, get some distance, and try to coax it out so that you can either punish with dsmash or just wait it out on the ledge. Start going for the KO around 90%.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
so what about zss' strat against jiggs? the only advice i got was from a thread that snakeee made that only had one sentence saying that u have more priority than her. that's it. fighting jiggs is boring for me anyway. neither of us ever hit each other and when she does rollout all i have to do is use my high jump to wait till it stops.
Hahaha that had to be the laziest info I've ever given, sorry. I'll try to give my input on this tomorrow.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 4, 2007
It should also be noted that U-Air should actually be saved against jiggz in this match-up, cuz it KOs ridiculously early for two reasons: jiggz's weight and the fact that jiggz will always be in the air (lowering the distance to the ceiling with every puffy jump).

Also to be noted: Jigglypuff's shorthop DOES NOT go over ZSS's grab. So be wary when approaching with short hops, you could easily just get grabbed out of them.

Speaking of grabs, ZSS can grab-release Jiggz (to the air) for a guaranteed U-Air (you know, that move that gets pretty good KOs).

As for Jiggz, I've noticed Pound ***** in this matchup. It's really tough for a ZSS to get around if used correctly. At least, it always catches me off guard when the Jiggz changes momentum that fast into a god-priority hit. Maybe I just dun know the matchup enough.

Have to reiterate what ph00t said, rollout gets ***** hard. once you start spinning, ZSS is just going to repeatedly shoot neutral-b shots and you'll never be able to get through it. And if the ZSS is daring and predicts your rollout even more, it's fairly easy to get a D-Smash off, which is huge damage on jiggz.
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