I heard it's to prevent future DDoS attacks. Does anyone know if that's true?
Btw I just had a weird glitch happen in For Fun. I was in a match with four people, when P2 dropped midmatch. P3 was still there and fighting, though P4 was acting erratically. On the results screen, the game showed P4 as having dropped midmatch as well, though they weren't acting like a CPU in the match. Come to see on the character select screen, both player slots were empty, however P4's slot had the KO badges still in the bottom left corner. Not thinking much on it, I continued to the battle, however on the waiting stage it still showed P4 as there, though 'Mid-Smash'. This continued on for at least forty-five minutes as I fought P2 and P3, without a P4 ever coming back into the group due to the 'ghost' that was occupying the space. Was it a desync or an odd communication error? I took pictures, have never seen it before.
Edit: Also, the game thought someone was there and not there at the same time. It kept P4 in the space, yet always counted down to zero before starting any matches, as if no one was there.