Bayonetta 3 (Switch)
I will admit, I only did play the first one and I still need to get to the second one; but dammit was the first one fun as hell to play. I do hope to eventually get to playing Bayo 3; I wonder if she'll either have her age finally catch up to her, or if her powers have finally weakened or something like that... Or will this be leading to a Devil May Cry 4-like game.
Where you play as someone else instead of Bayonetta. Either way, I'm stoked for this and looking forward to it. That is IF the Bayo fans stop complaining about it being on the Switch. :V
Blazblue: Cross Tag Battle (Steam/PS4/Switch)
I'll be honest, I've only ever played two of the Blazblue games. Continnum Shift EXTEND (Where they literally added in references to memes in the dialogue such as Ice Car when Bang tells his allies to stand back), and Chronophantasma where I wanted to main Kokonoe (That didn't last long), but either way; I'm looking forward to BBTAG, I was hoping that Sion/Eltnum would make it in, but that ain't going to happen; but it does look interesting, I did play a bunch of P4A ages ago as a Teddie main; so if Kokonoe does make it in along with Teddie; then we know who I'm gonna play!
If Kokonoe doesn't make it in however... well, I can always just go Ragna/Teddie instead. :V (I'd be legit surprised if Sion/Eltnum make it in)
Mega Man 11 (PS4/XBONE/Switch)
I'll just say it. I've only played Mega Man 2 and 9. That was it out of the classics, but I will admit; I am looking forward to this, it seems interesting and a better game then Mighty No. 9 (Then again, any game is better then Mighty No. 9.

). I doubt the Mighty Gunvolt games will count, but anyway; this seems to be an interesting return of Mega Man and I'm curious about it too. I wouldn't mind giving it a whirl and seeing if it'll really hook me in.
Now if only they can bring back Mega Man Legends 3. :V
Project Octopath Traveler (Switch)
GO. AND. PLAY. THE. DEMO. I cannot stress it enough, it was an amazing demo and it got me excited for the main game whenever it comes out; being made by the same team that brought us Bravely Default and Bravely Second; this is getting me hyped up, plus it reminds me of Seiken Densetsu 3; where you could pick one character who has their own story, and meet the other characters on their own journeys as well.
Ace Attorney 7 (Switch/Mobile?)
As a big fan of the Ace Attorney series and has played every Ace Attorney game that came out in the West; I am very much looking forward to this.
It has made me think on what they're gonna do for this game. Will they have some more backstory for Athena? Since we know what happened during her childhood which caused those traumatic flashbacks for her; but we don't know what she did or experienced when she was in Europe studying. Does she have an old school friend from Europe? Was she tutored by Franziska? Will Maya ever bring Mia back? These are some questions I would love to get answered, I will admit; I will miss Apollo Justice, or they might bring him back in a DLC case or as an alternate episode.
This is just getting me more and more curious on what kind of cases Wright, Maya? and Athena will have to solve. Plus, I wonder who the new Prosecutor will be...