*After seeing and watching more uploaded videos of FE Warriors Anna support conversations* I need more Anna! Also, Lyn's support conversations are awesome too. I can't wait for Owain to be playable and having him be the menu voice would be so awesome.
On another note, I hope Cherche and Severa/Selena make it as DLC later on. Cherche and Minerva need a support conversation and Celica would be interesting since Cherche lives in future Valentia. Other than them or anyone from Awakening, I can't think of anyone else she should have a conversation with because of how cool it could be. Maybe Takumi because he's an archer with a peculiar personality like Virion. Severa/Selena is in a unfortunate spot of she's a default sword infantry, but they could make her a bow knight or sword flyer or even flying archer. Anyway, main reason why I want her in the game is because it would be funny to hear her snark about everything.
As for the new banner trailer, great, I want a flying mage, but it's like summer Elise all over again and she's a red mage, the units I cannot for the life of me summon decent ones and ones that aren't Raigh or Sophia. I think I'm going to pass and try to go for Henry and maybe Jakob and Sakura.
I’m not sure how much an armored mage will actually change up armor emblem
Hone and fortify actually have a use now that we can have a blade tome armor gorl
Will people stop running quad wards now? Idk
Nowi’s art is weird and I’m not a big fan
Brave bow+ archer with wary fighter will be fun
Well, it would give knights the option to have someone who can deal magical damage and who can fight at range which would be helpful for those who haven't been able to summon multiple Hectors to give the other knights Distant Counter. Knights have been the only units without a ranged unit of any kind as cavalry is, well, cavalry -- they have everything -- and flyers at least had seasonal flying mages and are still guaranteed at least two flying ranged units through Aversa and Reina when they're eventually introduced. Knights don't really have much other than the Holy War and Thracia 776 generals Hannibal and Xavier of whom only Xavier comes with a bow, part 2 of Holy War's Arvis, and the Shadow Dragon remake generals like Lorenz, but if they go with the original game. In other words, there isn't anyone from more recent and/or well-known games. Granted, a ranged knight could build up hype just by being one, but some people might look at them and not care for one reason or another which would include popularity and familiarity. That can change, though, like with what happened to Reinhardt.
As for Hone and Fortify Armor, I don't think -blade tome mage knights would be all that great. The issue with knights is because of their 1 movement, they're generally enemy phase units. They're going to get attacked and they're going to be kited to death if they don't have Distant Counter. Sacrificing the increased defenses from using Ward Armor doesn't seem safe just so one of the knights could deal a crapton of damage. There's also the issue of positioning where you would want the -blade mage to always receive either Hone or Fortify, but that could cost the knights nearby a defensive buff. I don't know, maybe it could work with 3 Wards and 1 Fortify or 2 Wards and 1 Hone and Fortify, but I'd rather go the extreme defensive route.
In that case, ToD Henry would want his old tome back. It's green, but it does the same thing and there are ravens which are like crows. Considering knights are generally bulky and regular Henry is bulky to begin with, ToD Henry might want Close Counter more than T-Adept like his regular self would want. Covering two colors for his team would be good and they're coincidentally, the two colors that Reinhardt and BH Lyn belong too. Gronnowl works too if you can position him, but I'm leaning towards Gronnraven ToD Henry.