I pulled my first 4 Star Athena today, and she's +Atk/-Spd. It seems like she has speed to spare, so it won't ruin her. I'll keep her at 4 Stars though, since Sword EXP is fully unlocked already and I can use her to help train swordies, along with Gray
I'm dedicating my feathers to improving all of my current units, at least for a while. I have two or three really good teams...but that's it. I have a whole bunch of 5 Stars that have been sittin around the castle, gathering dust on their poor weapons, so I'll work on fixing it. My first goal is completely merging my Female Robin to +5, using the extra two that I'll get once her battle returns in a couple weeks. I'll decide who to work on after that. I might try fully merging Masked Marth, since the game already did half the work for me.
But until then, thanks to the blessing of a full SP week, I've been finally working on Sanaki and Innes's SP grinding. I gave Innes the Brave Bow+, but I still want to do an Owl team one day. Oooone day. As for Sanaki, she has Swordbreaker and Glacies, and she's just a nuke pretty much. With the best voice in the game cause Agnès <3
Gamepedia has gone even more insane I think. Right now they're on a high giving everyone Steady Breath, but...
This is a build for Alm
Wo Dao on someone who already has Falchion and works well with it, pairing Ignis with Wo Dao, and maybe try giving SB to units who have an actual defense stat? Even Tobin has better stats to run this set that already makes no sense and he actually does need an insane build like this to work while Alm is fine with his base set to an extent. (Side note: Tobin does in fact have the same exact build listed)
I just...
To be fair, Steady Breath is REALLY good. My +HP/-Spd Brave Ike used it (plus Urvan's damage reduction) to solo a tempest Ogma on the final Lunatic map who was quad hitting him.
Course, he only managed to barely survive cause of Urvan, turning 15x4 into 18x2, with Aether dropping in between each double-hit
Still though, I also noticed when looking up Athena that I think they gave her a steady breath build too...Skill favoritism is not good