I start my doctorate program in a few weeks. Got my Masters in March, was able to secure partial funding for the next year or two while working in the laboratory since.
That's awesome! What are you pursuing a doctorate in?
So far my first year of college has been really relaxed, most likely because it's community college but I like it. I have 3 classes; 1 on campus, 1 online, and 1 mixed. This way I can see what type I like the most. The full-online one is probably my least favorite but it is useful for some things.
That's a smart idea. Last semester, I took an online class, and I had mixed feelings about it. I really liked the course material (it was an LGBTQ issues in education course), and I enjoyed the flexibility and not having to commute to campus for it, but I didn't get much out of the weekly discussion forum, which, unfortunately, was a core component of the course...
I definitely prefer more traditional on-campus, in-person classes.
What are you studying, by the way?
Going through my first year of college and it's so stressful for me, little time outside of class/work except for weekends. I gotta pull through anyways though, maybe I just need time to adapt.
I bet! Juggling work and school can be a ton of work for anyone, and I imagine it's a big change of pace. I hope that as you get more into the swing of things and figure out tricks to better manage limited time (every college student's struggle at some point) that juggling the two becomes more manageable for you.
Good luck on your first year!
What you're studying/considering studying?