So I was a little apprehensive thinking of INCREASED
spawns in my area, because they are literally everywhere already,
But then the 70%
spawn rate was entirely replaced by
Fun story: though not advertised,
also received drastic spawn rate increases in my area as well!
is particularly uncommon in my area, so that's neat. Made sure to collect as many as i could to take advantage.
I was...actually jarred by how thoroughly the spawns were replaced by "spooky" pokemon. There is almost nothing out but
... it might get old really quick, but we'll see.
Now for my actual rough candy results tho, they're rather insane.
250 candies. Yes, that many in 1.5 hrs. 8 candies every catch-transfer is nutty lol. Also got
100 candies. Needless to say I'll be stocked on those for when the event ends...
I also got a some
candies too. Something like 30 candies.
As a bonus, I hatched my first egg during the event for an easy
38 candies. 5km hatches are going to be insane. (I only wish I had a 10km egg...supposedly a potential 70 freaking candies at maximum during this 2x candy event.) On top of this, I'm inches from lvl25, where I'll get 2 incubators, and I can go for 3 eggs at a time for a bit. CANDY INSANITY.
Also got my first
3 candies as well
didn't get many votes here, but Lapras won, so she will geT many candies this week.
It was a bountiful night, and I'm now rather low on pokeballs...but only the first