Pikmin 3DS reminds me of something and I can't remember it. Similar gameplay set in a 2D plane and commanding minions to do stuff for you. The other thing is that it reminds me of Chibi-Robo! which had a 3DS release recently and sort of Ratchet & Clank: Into Nexus's nexus puzzles. It might be possible to do a "normal" Pikmin game on a handheld, but it might be a bit problematic with how Pikmin are small and that Pikmin is about numbers. A spin-off where you had relatively small squads could work like in Pikmin 3's multiplayer, but I don't know. Doing a 2D Pikmin does seem like a Nintendo thing where most of their 3D games debuted on consoles like 3D Mario, Metroid, Pokémon, and Zelda debuted the consoles while the 2D games were often on handhelds. That doesn't mean they're all on one system like how Star Fox never had a 2D games to begin with or how Mario has 2D and 3D games on both systems. The rest, eh.
On Zelda, one thing that bothers me right now is Breath of the Wild's combat. Specifically, the animations. First off, assuming the game's still in development and stuff will be improved, but as of now, this is what I'm feeling. It's kind of like Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess (Wii)'s -- which made sense for them since you can't really do complicated motions expecting an average person could do them or without wrecking the room -- except worse. By worse, the animations don't look like they have impact. They're like when you run and slash in Twilight Princess or Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance which function as light, "glancing" blows. Not expecting Breath of the Wild to have Bayonetta, DMC, Dynasty Warriors, Hyrule Warriors, or Sengoku Basara levels of flashy, well-animated moves or the weight and heft of Bloodborne, Demon's / Dark Souls' moves, but something like... Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess (GCN)'s. The combat at the moment feels like it came out of the 2D Zelda games which makes sense for them. For a 3D one, it's kind of weird since Zelda's combat is less of a platformer's such as Jak & Daxter, Rayman, or the first Sly Cooper where combat's mostly a couple of simple swings without a lock-on system. To make all of this worse, Spin Attack just looks bad:
https://youtu.be/-Fhry06dFwI?t=30. I don't know if its the "hit lag" screwing with it or, hopefully this is the case, Spin Attack's animation isn't completed yet, but Link literally spins in place with almost no effort and in an inhumanly way. It's so weird-looking. In previous games, you could see Link stand his ground, twist, and turn for Spin Attack. You could also see Link's legs move to turn himself, but in recent BotW's footage, Link slides as if he was on an axis and not as if he was a living being who had to turn himself and move himself naturally. The rest of BotW's animations look fine and beautifully done, but the combat... Ugh...