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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


Jazzin' All Day
Jun 23, 2014
Port Barre
I played Splatoon with friends for like an hour where we only used Chargers.

When there's 8 chargers, constantly move since there's explosions of ink all around you. It was terrifying.
Still better than CoD :secretkpop:


kick kick
Oct 2, 2014
Welp here are my Miivesre post experiences :p

The Amber2 one is actually a good Miiverse post lol

Edit: Fix'd
:4bowser:X:4dedede: most beautiful ship


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Remember the Soleil thing? Maybe I shouldn't bring it up, but Kotaku - yes, yes, I know people don't hold Kotaku highly after it went mainstream and clickbait, but this one's pretty good - has an article on it: http://kotaku.com/why-some-people-are-calling-fire-emblem-fates-homophobi-1715602826.

I remember Ashcraft before Kotaku became what it is today, but I don't remember his articles much since I just read stuff and used it for gaming news. Anyway, article's on the context of the whole Soleil issue. Reading it makes me wonder if Soleil's asexual and since I don't know a thing about relationships and sexuality, question is if such a thing is possible where someone is attracted to one sex, but is okay with being in a relationship with either sex. So, Soleil finds women attractive or "cute", but she's okay with being in a relationship with men. Foleo looks like a girl, but the last time I checked the FE wiki, it said that Soleil finds it easier to talk to Foleo because of that. Now it doesn't, so people will think I pulled that out of my ***.

The article does mention how Soleil's like the opposite of Lon'qu who has gynophobia; Soleil loves being around women while Lon'qu is afraid of being around women, but both have a "weakness for women". Fates/If has been doing that where some characters resemble other characters like how Matoi is basically a child Cordelia, but with certain twists like Matoi doesn't have Cordelia's background or how Pieri's more so tragically bloodthirsty compared to Henry's twisted bloodthirsty. Pieri and Henry both have tragic backgrounds, but Pieri's more disturbing and less comical than Henry who shows up with dark, dark humor of murder and death. So, this probably was a failed or poorly done twist to Lon'qu's character with Soleil along with Inigo and Virion who are womanizers, but Inigo does it out of trying to not be shy while Virion is, well, a philanderer. Soleil's the woman with a weakness for women, an "inheritance" of Inigo's flirty nature and maybe even her grandfather's. The main issue for her would be: she's a woman herself. Fates/If, unfortunately, only has two bisexual characters, but they don't or rather aren't implied to be exactly bisexual, especially with Syalla who's basically Tharja if Tharja was a romance option for both Robins in Awakening. So, are they asexual, instead? Fire Emblem isn't that kind of series Nintendo wants to be all sex and the supports are endearing to some players since it's love on the battlefield where people forge bonds during horrible times. Then why not Soleil as well?

Next up is the Kamui/Corrin/Avatar/THE MAIN CHARACTER OF FATES/IF spiking Soleil's drink to try and help her with not falling in love with every girl she meets or in other words stopping her from becoming a Virion who goes derp instead of trying to woo every woman. Good intentions, but very questionable, illegal, and wrong execution which also supports my theory that Kamui's secretly evil, but anyway... Male Kamui's already a guy, why can't he just have Soleil just interact with Elise or someone until it's normal and not Soleil freaking out like a heart-struck teenager? Wait, isn't she a teenager, though? ... Anyway, it could have been more like Olivia and Lon'qu's support where *insert random girl here* is Olivia and Lon'qu's Soleil or it could be more like Cherche who didn't really cause Lon'qu much problems as far as I remember. Hell, the support could have been Soleil's talking about how she just find girls really attractive, but doesn't know how to deal with it or what to do, so Kamui gives (dumb) advice, Soleil ends up falling for Kamui instead, and BOOM!, a not controversial, but really boring and probably clichéd love story. Female Kamui would just have Soleil being a classic awkward tsundere instead...

The whole converting people thing doesn't seem to be there, but at the same time, do I know? Nope, can't read Japanese and I don't have the game yet. When stuff like this happens, I'd rather wait and see it for myself. As it stands, it seems like Soleil's a wasted chance to make her interactions between Kamui of either sex meaningful or hell, between all the characters. Foleo's effeminate looks could have been or seems to be if the wiki was correct the "it's just easy being around you" relationship, male Kamui could have been the "love for you because of you" since male Kamui tried to help her in the current support, but it's really done in a controversial way, and female Kamui could have been the "I stopped feeling awkward around you and I really like you" thing like Lon'qu and basically everyone woman he can support. For male Kamui, did he really try to "fix" or "convert" her? By "fix", he tried to help her, but he did in a really strange, disturbing, and wrong way. It's like if someone was scared of flying in planes, but you just tranquilized them and threw them on a plane and hoped they would get over it or if someone was scared of cats, so you blindfold them, plug their ears, and put a cat on their lap hoping they would think it's a dog instead. Converting doesn't seem to be there as it's more like the drug itself screwed Soleil up... Kamui just pulled a Tharja, didn't he? He even pulled a... I don't remember her name, but the mother of Voldemort except the drug's effects are forever now instead of the temporary love potion in Harry Potter. The drug made it so Soleil saw men as women and women as men. She saw Kamui, the same person she knew, but as a woman instead of man. After the drug wore off, she still saw Kamui as the person she always knew, but back to being a man. So, it's like not seeing the idealized image of what you love and seeing what you love for what it is? Just something I wanted to type up and fill your screens with.
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Smash Master
Oct 8, 2014
Remember the Soleil thing? Maybe I shouldn't bring it up, but Kotaku - yes, yes, I know people don't hold Kotaku highly after it went mainstream and clickbait, but this one's pretty good - has an article on it: http://kotaku.com/why-some-people-are-calling-fire-emblem-fates-homophobi-1715602826.

I remember Ashcraft before Kotaku became what it is today, but I don't remember his articles much since I just read stuff and used it for gaming news. Anyway, article's on the context of the whole Soleil issue. Reading it makes me wonder if Soleil's asexual and since I don't know a thing about relationships and sexuality, question is if such a thing is possible where someone is attracted to one sex, but is okay with being in a relationship with either sex. So, Soleil finds women attractive or "cute", but she's okay with being in a relationship with men. Foleo looks like a girl, but the last time I checked the FE wiki, it said that Soleil finds it easier to talk to Foleo because of that. Now it doesn't, so people will think I pulled that out of my ***.

The article does mention how Soleil's like the opposite of Lon'qu who has gynophobia; Soleil loves being around women while Lon'qu is afraid of being around women, but both have a "weakness for women". Fates/If has been doing that where some characters resemble other characters like how Matoi is basically a child Cordelia, but with certain twists like Matoi doesn't have Cordelia's background or how Pieri's more so tragically bloodthirsty compared to Henry's twisted bloodthirsty. Pieri and Henry both have tragic backgrounds, but Pieri's more disturbing and less comical than Henry who shows up with dark, dark humor of murder and death. So, this probably was a failed or poorly done twist to Lon'qu's character with Soleil along with Inigo and Virion who are womanizers, but Inigo does it out of trying to not be shy while Virion is, well, a philanderer. Soleil's the woman with a weakness for women, an "inheritance" of Inigo's flirty nature and maybe even her grandfather's. The main issue for her would be: she's a woman herself. Fates/If, unfortunately, only has two bisexual characters, but they don't or rather aren't implied to be exactly bisexual, especially with Syalla who's basically Tharja if Tharja was a romance option for both Robins in Awakening. So, are they asexual, instead? Fire Emblem isn't that kind of series Nintendo wants to be all sex and the supports are endearing to some players since it's love on the battlefield where people forge bonds during horrible times. Then why not Soleil as well?

Next up is the Kamui/Corrin/Avatar/THE MAIN CHARACTER OF FATES/IF spiking Soleil's drink to try and help her with not falling in love with every girl she meets or in other words stopping her from becoming a Virion who goes derp instead of trying to woo every woman. Good intentions, but very questionable, illegal, and wrong execution which also supports my theory that Kamui's secretly evil, but anyway... Male Kamui's already a guy, why can't he just have Soleil just interact with Elise or someone until it's normal and not Soleil freaking out like a heart-struck teenager? Wait, isn't she a teenager, though? ... Anyway, it could have been more like Olivia and Lon'qu's support where *insert random girl here* is Olivia and Lon'qu's Soleil or it could be more like Cherche who didn't really cause Lon'qu much problems as far as I remember. Hell, the support could have been Soleil's talking about how she just find girls really attractive, but doesn't know how to deal with it or what to do, so Kamui gives (dumb) advice, Soleil ends up falling for Kamui instead, and BOOM!, a not controversial, but really boring and probably clichéd love story. Female Kamui would just have Soleil being a classic awkward tsundere instead...

The whole converting people thing doesn't seem to be there, but at the same time, do I know? Nope, can't read Japanese and I don't have the game yet. When stuff like this happens, I'd rather wait and see it for myself. As it stands, it seems like Soleil's a wasted chance to make her interactions between Kamui of either sex meaningful or hell, between all the characters. Foleo's effeminate looks could have been or seems to be if the wiki was correct the "it's just easy being around you" relationship, male Kamui could have been the "love for you because of you" since male Kamui tried to help her in the current support, but it's really done in a controversial way, and female Kamui could have been the "I stopped feeling awkward around you and I really like you" thing like Lon'qu and basically everyone woman he can support. For male Kamui, did he really try to "fix" or "convert" her? By "fix", he tried to help her, but he did in a really strange, disturbing, and wrong way. It's like if someone was scared of flying in planes, but you just tranquilized them and threw them on a plane and hoped they would get over it or if someone was scared of cats, so you blindfold them, plug their ears, and put a cat on their lap hoping they would think it's a dog instead. Converting doesn't seem to be there as it's more like the drug itself screwed Soleil up... Kamui just pulled a Tharja, didn't he? He even pulled a... I don't remember her name, but the mother of Voldemort except the drug's effects are forever now instead of the temporary love potion in Harry Potter. The drug made it so Soleil saw men as women and women as men. She saw Kamui, the same person she knew, but as a woman instead of man. After the drug wore off, she still saw Kamui as the person she always knew, but back to being a man. So, it's like not seeing the idealized image of what you love and seeing what you love for what it is? Just something I wanted to type up and fill your screens with.
Congratulations, you have now written half the text on the page.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2012
Playing KOF XIV
Okay I give up on wi-fi for real now. It's too frustrating to not be able to do stuff you can easily do offline because of delay and stuff.

I'll stick to my locals and just playing wi-fi with you guys from time to time. I'll quit the ladder now.
For once im glad i read your post, you made the right choice.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2012
I hate Tr4sh
Trying to do SHs with Tr4shy Hobo in Muhley is ;_;

Been trying to do them for almost an hour now ;_;



Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
GGs Shrahkitty!

I need to get some sleep now, I like your Pikachu ok bye


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2015
GGs Shrahkitty!

I need to get some sleep now, I like your Pikachu ok bye
kk bye bae

ur iek is p gud, ur spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaceing is also nt bad, & ur sanix iasnt concer lololololol


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2015
The Velvet Room
Hello gorls, long time no see (more like a few days, but for this board that's a LONG time). The other day I meant to get an amazing gif up from a :4zelda::132: I had a few nights ago, showing how great amazing Zelda is, but every time I uploaded the gif, it was upside down. If anyone would like to help me out on that, let me know.

Anyways, I love how every time I go back and play Melee, it just ruins my Sm4sh game. Let me spam my Lagning Kicks without suffering the lag of a million years, and give Din's its better movement again. That poor move already needed to be reworked somehow, and they had to "balance" it for this game. Even the customs for it aren't all that great. At least I have Lucas to fall back on when I need him.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2015
i had someone call me like... shoekeys or something one time lol

but seriously Spaz is my tag, and ive used that tag since i got melee in like 2005. if i get premium id change my name to Spaz. with a period and become part of that cool club i think
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Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2015
I bet you bite whale bubbles...
Nah, just here for this thread. I have been around but just made an account. I heard this social is fast.:sonic:
you will join because of this thread. you will be banned because of this thread. :evil:
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