Mfw I have to solo ANOTHER project
No but honestly this project is a drawing project and i'm the best drawer in my class. And I felt like my partner just chose me to get easy marks and do nothing. He didn't do squat. I've been thinking of asking him why he really chose me (he's not story boy) and switch partners. And here's my rant.
So I have to draw that one scene in the Hobbit where he finds the dragon in a cave full of gold. He told me I should add pillars or arches to show that's inside but there's no point in that because no one would put gold OUTSIDE. We were arguing about it and I think it's pointless. It's only a little bit of space to colour black and the pillars would ruin it. "Eventually he took MY drawing away from me and was like "fine, i'll do it myself!" It looked ugly.

Others stood up for me and saying how stupid it is with arches and pillars. (Even story boy) These kind of people make me hate the world.
Other rant
Nowadays recess is the most cancerous part of school. The girls have these 3 strict groups and the rest ( the filler) has to either not do anything for recess or follow the groups around which pisses them off. I'm a filler. I'm that girl that doesn't care who she plays with. One group specifically said i'm annoying and want me to stop following them. I feel like i'm annoying. Halp