FACT: repeatedly saying onii chan will cause you to lose your fingers so you better stop
FE1 gets by on 3 and 11's artwork
FE2 is a sad case of no sequel or anything really. It probably needed the remake the most to, as much as I would want to grind for hours for units that could actually beat the game
also I thought no pants marth was brought up not that long ago

Ohmygod, sass prince.

FE1 and 2 had artwork? (clear sarcasm)For the benefit of the rest of the thread, who may have yet to witness this wonder:
DLC alts, anyone?
early FE artwork was so bad, didn't begin to get decent until FE3
FE1 gets by on 3 and 11's artwork
FE2 is a sad case of no sequel or anything really. It probably needed the remake the most to, as much as I would want to grind for hours for units that could actually beat the game
also I thought no pants marth was brought up not that long ago