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Zelda/Sheik Discussion


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
I have been trying to play as both Sheik and Zelda together lately because I think they balance one another well and if I only use one I am not using the character to her full potential etc. But I find myself sticking mostly to Zelda simply because I am more comfortable with her. I even learned how to DACUS in order to upgrade my Sheik game...

My personal question is what do you people think is the best strategy to use when wanting to utilize both Zelda and Sheik. And which do you think is a good strategy a bad strategy etc.

Do you start as Sheik and switch to Zelda for the kill?

Do start as Zelda and switch between your opponents stocks to stop them from getting used to one character?

Do you start as one then switch to other if the match does not seem to working out as well as it should?

Or do you for some odd reason use Zelda to rack up damage and switch to Sheik for the kill?

Comment on these strategies and please post your own if you have any please.

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
I think it depends. You have to know which chars are best for sheik only, zelda only, and sheik/zelda. The main idea though is rack up with sheik. Wait for a safe momement and transform, but only when you know you'll get a OHKO.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2008
Austin, Texas
For me, I use Sheik mainly as an in-match counterpick. For whatever reason, I cannot beat a Lucas with Zelda (though Ness isn't too bad), but Sheik makes things much easier. Game & Watch is the same way for me.

It's also a dandy tool for ridding yourself of decay and, as you mentioned, just mixing things up a bit.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
Transform is the second best move in the game, slightly behind the turtle.

Ways i've used it in tournament:
1. Sheik to rack, Zelda to kill.
2. In match counterpick.
3. Switching just because it wasn't going well.
4. Switching characters just to screw with my opponent's head, make them fight two different chars.
5. (to be honest) Switching characters to wipe away a psychological disdvantage i'm facing. For instance, if i get only 50% on an opponent before dying with Sheik, i might switch to Zelda. In all honesty not because Zelda is going to do that much better, but i feel like it's a new matchup, and fresh slate.
6. Switching characters because I'd decayed the crap out of Zelda's moves.
7. (maybe once) Using transform after dying against a noob, just because 99% of noobs will try to fsmash you while you're still invincible, and you get a free hit.
8. Switching for Zelda's recovery (note: Zelda's recovery is almost never better, however she does fall slower. So if you badly need horizontal, and are still pretty high up, there are rare situations where she is the only way back.)

Transform uses only from practice:
1. Against Falco, I will switch to Sheik only when Sheik has a high %, because then the matchup is so much better for her with the chaingrab out of the equation.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
i transform because sometimes i feel that zelda is cuter, and sometimes sheik is cuter

PK Webb

Smash Champion
Dec 24, 2007
the lab
if im finding an enemy difficult to ko then i transform but besides that its sheik all the way

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
There should be a guide that deals with this topic. It should include recommended suggestions for which character(s) to use in which matchups or what style of play you stick with for sheik while racking and Zelda when going for the KO.

i transform because sometimes i feel that zelda is cuter, and sometimes sheik is cuter
Lol. This should be the first line of that guide.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
8. Switching for Zelda's recovery (note: Zelda's recovery is almost never better, however she does fall slower. So if you badly need horizontal, and are still pretty high up, there are rare situations where she is the only way back.)
this worked a lot better in Melee...

i usually stick to Shiek just cuz i like her more. the only times i might switch is if:
-I feel desperate for a KO thats not happening w/ Shiek
-for Zelda's reflector if the opponent's spamming projectiles or using items like the hothead
-i'm playing a stage like Snake's where Zelda's uair and usmash give her an advantage for vertical KOs
-If I just feel like a change
-or on accident :p


Smash Apprentice
May 24, 2008
America the greatest country ever.
There should be a guide that deals with this topic. It should include recommended suggestions for which character(s) to use in which matchups or what style of play you stick with for sheik while racking and Zelda when going for the KO.

Lol. This should be the first line of that guide.
Yes. Please some 1 do this. But only if you make that the first line.


Smash Apprentice
May 24, 2008
America the greatest country ever.
this worked a lot better in Melee...

i usually stick to Shiek just cuz i like her more. the only times i might switch is if:
-I feel desperate for a KO thats not happening w/ Shiek
-for Zelda's reflector if the opponent's spamming projectiles or using items like the hothead
-i'm playing a stage like Snake's where Zelda's uair and usmash give her an advantage for vertical KOs
-If I just feel like a change
-or on accident :p
Yea transforming for recovers worked in melee because the transfrom time was soooo much shorter. If only Hal decided to load both characters date at the same time, zelda/sheik would be able to back 1 another up better.
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