But yea, Spade, hook me up with the designs after you finish with them and I'll make concept art/sprites for them.
Thank you! I can send you a PM with the basic descriptions (held a bit general so the artist(s) have more creative freedom) of the 2 first characters (they are Buzz-approved, heehee) - I'm currently brainstorming on the moveset of the first one, so I have no exact moves written out yet, but I think for concept art and basic test sprites (idle stance stuff etc) it should suffice right now.
Is there going to be stamina mode?
Can you change the menu, GUI, select screen, etc like mugen?
Can you make special events happen when a certain character is on a certain stage?
Can you make special intros for certain characters?
Question #1: If not in the core engine (I suppose Buzz will put it in, though), you can add it yourself.
#2: Since it's open source, I'm pretty sure you can change that, yes.
#3: I don't know what you mean exactly with that, but again, the code is adaptable to your own personal use. I suppose you mean stuff like Snake's Codecs...?
#4: If you give the characters the needed sprites and edit them in, I'm sure you can.
Just as a reminder to everyone:
We don't need characters or character concepts right now!!
The engine isn't even existant yet, and we first have to make the two basic characters. As soon as these characters are done and I'd be "useless", I will start to write out the storyline and begin with collecting ideas for character concepts. As of now, help in this regard is not needed. I already have set my eyes on a few people I'd like to support me with the concepts later on.
I know many of you guys have good ideas, but I would like to make the roster to be more "natural", if you understand what I mean with that. The roster won't probably be huge like Brawl's, either. Don't expect a sheer mass of characters.
Thanks for all the offers nevertheless.
The good thing about this project is: If your ideas aren't taken into the "official" version, you can add them yourself!!