P.S. (
pre-script! lol) This is DRGN on Del's account.
How much and where? But ya we are down for it.
Well what kind of range would you guys like to do it for? What do you think of each person putting in like $10-15? The 'where' we can set up once we have a date that works for us all, we may decide to do it at a tournament, or maybe separate at someone's place. As for this 'when', well It looks like a lot of us will be free this weekend, how about that?
Uhm, is this vs. Nova or Sacramento? Because if it's for Sac I should get a hold of some other players too besides just my crew.
soo who's all coming to this tourney??
Chico?? Raretruffle.. Samus Syndrome??
Oregon?? BC-Chris??
i was this one to be bigger than last one..
Why do you guys have your events on the same days as us?? Lol. Why not come to Sac's events?
The best way to do it is to have many small regions combine their tournaments into bigger events, rather than have a bunch of little ones scattered about. After all, aren't the best tournaments those that involve players from many
different regions? I mean, besides the fact that they're going to be bigger, they're going to be more interesting and greater than the sum of their parts.
Also, if you wanted you could still have your own tournaments too, just offset them from Sac's events and then you could do both.